7 Steps – How To Write Email Asking For Internship [2024]

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Internships offer college students valuable job experience either during their degree program or immediately after graduating. Getting an internship requires some strategies, and some Email writing. But how to write email asking for an internship is what we are going to understand in this article.

To secure the right internship, you might need to draft a concise letter explaining why you’re a good match for a company. Knowing how to compose an internship email can simplify this task and improve your ability to refine your message before hitting send.

In this article, we explore the reasons for writing an internship email, offer a detailed guide on crafting one, and provide a sample email that you can use as a template for your own correspondence.


Why Write An Email For An Internship?

An internship email serves as a message you send to inquire about available internships or to formally apply for a position by submitting your resume.

This letter is typically used when applying for an internship because it serves several purposes:

  • Initiates a response: Sending an internship email increases the likelihood of receiving a response from the recipient. They may reply to acknowledge your interest and indicate whether they are interested in further discussions.
  • Demonstrates your enthusiasm: An internship email helps the HR department or hiring manager understand your level of interest in the position. It acts as a reminder to review your application and may prompt them to notify you when internships become available.
  • Fosters open communication: A well-written internship email lays the groundwork for ongoing communication between you and the company. These connections can be valuable for future opportunities within the organization.
  • Allows for additional information: You can share more details with your potential employer through an internship email, such as attaching a cover letter and resume to provide a comprehensive overview of your qualifications.

It’s important to customize each internship email for the specific position you’re interested in. Tailor the content by adjusting details like the company’s name and relevant work experiences to demonstrate your genuine interest and suitability for the role.

This personalized approach increases your chances of making a positive impression on the recipient.

How to Write Email Asking For Internship?

Email writing asking for an internship may not be easy as it needs some attention on key topics. In such cases you can follow the below 7 steps for how to write an email requesting an internship.

Here are the steps to follow when crafting an email to inquire about an internship:

How to write Email asking for Internship?

  1. Understand the company
  2. Write a meaningful subject line
  3. Start with a greeting
  4. Compose your message carefully
  5. Discuss your internship connection
  6. Highlight why you want an internship
  7. Request a specific internship

1. Understand the company

Researching the company before applying can provide valuable insights into its needs and whether internship opportunities are available. Understanding the requirements of an internship can also guide you in planning any necessary additional training.

Companies actively seek interns as a way to attract potential new talent. It’s beneficial to start interning well before your senior year in college to increase your chances of landing an entry-level position with your preferred company. —Carolynn Bruce, SHRM-SCP.

For example, a company might prefer interns with specific business certifications. Being aware of these certifications before applying can prompt you to enroll in relevant training courses. 

Research can also assist you in tailoring your application letter to match the communication style preferred by the company.

2. Write a meaningful subject line

When composing your email, aim for a straightforward and professional subject line. Craft a concise four- to five-word line that clearly conveys the purpose of your email. 

For instance, you could write “Winter Management Internship Application” to indicate the specific internship you’re interested in. Using the title case (capitalizing the first letter of each important word) can enhance the professionalism of your subject line.

3. Start with a greeting

When you begin your letter, crafting the right greeting can really set the tone. 

Start by researching the company’s hiring or internship managers to identify the right person for your message. Browse through the company’s website to find this information, including how the person prefers to be addressed. 

For example, if a hiring director named Samantha Jones goes by “Ms. Samantha Jones” online, you should use that title and her last name in your greeting, like “Ms. Jones,” to strike the right tone for your letter.

If you’re unsure of who will receive your letter, you can use “To Whom It May Concern” as a greeting. This ensures your letter remains appropriately addressed even if you don’t know the recipient’s name.

4. Compose your message carefully

When you’re crafting your internship email, it’s important to include key details that provide clarity and information. 

Begin by introducing yourself, mentioning where you came across the internship opportunity, and expressing your enthusiasm for the position. Leading with this information helps the recipient quickly grasp the purpose of your email.

Ensure you use suitable business language and keep your sentences straightforward. Keeping your email concise, ideally within two paragraphs, allows you to focus on pertinent job-related information in a brief format that’s easier for the reader to digest.

5. Discuss your internship connection

When you’re writing your internship email, try to emphasize any connection you have with the company or the person reading your email. 

For instance, you might mention a friend who works there and could offer you a positive job reference. If you’ve met the recipient before, whether at a career fair or during a previous interview, briefly reference that interaction to jog their memory about who you are.

Related: Are internship interviews are hard?

It’s important to ask for permission from anyone you plan to mention in your email. For example, if you want to talk about a friend who works at the company, make sure to check with them first to ensure they’re comfortable being referenced in your message.

6. Highlight why you want an internship

When explaining why you’re interested in an internship, be specific and use details about the position that appeal to you. You can also inquire about potential internship opportunities.

Internships offer a valuable chance to gain work experience and refine your interests while you’re in college or just after graduating. Look for chances to delve into your field of study and consider companies that align with your long-term career goals. —Carolynn Bruce, SHRM-SCP.

Share what aspects of the internship excite you, like the learning opportunities or the scope of projects involved. 

Highlighting these details can make your letter more personalized and compelling. Show how you can contribute to a company’s success and discuss any relevant work experience you have.

7. Request a specific internship

When you’re writing specific internship emails, it’s important to include details about the particular position you’re interested in. 

If a company has multiple internship opportunities, mentioning the exact internship title helps them match your qualifications more accurately with the job requirements. You can also include a link to the company’s career page if it’s available.

If you’re reaching out to inquire about internship openings in general and not focusing on a specific position, you can describe the skills you’re hoping to develop instead. For instance, if you’re interested in interning at a zoo to enhance your animal husbandry skills, highlight this when discussing your qualifications and interests.

Bonus Tip:

8. Edit For Tone

Before sending your internship message, use a grammar-checking tool to identify potential spelling errors or grammatical mistakes. Correct these issues and then read your email out loud to yourself. 

Reading aloud can help you catch redundancies and improve the overall flow of your document. 

For instance, if you find a redundancy like “I am excited to read about your exciting position,” you can edit it to say “I am thrilled to read about your exciting position.” Make any other simple edits that enhance the readability of your letter, and then send it promptly.

Internship Email Example

Subject Line: Application for Fall Accounting Internship

Dear Mrs. Simran,

My name is Kylei Moore, and I am currently a college senior majoring in accounting at Pine Ridge University. I was thrilled to learn about the fall accounting internship opportunity at your company because I have a strong passion for professional accounting and am eager to gain insights into transitioning to a full-time career in this field. 

What particularly drew me to your company is its reputation as an industry leader in commercial-grade accounting processes, including multi-partner channels and international accounting procedures. 

I learned about this opening through my friend Stacy Turner, who works at your company.

I have attached my cover letter and resume for your review. My experience as the financial chair of my sorority has equipped me with solid bookkeeping skills, and I am excited to apply these skills and further develop my expertise as part of your team. 

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,

Kylei Moore

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