60 Good Work Habits To Fast Forward Your Career

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Your professional development path can be made or broken by certain work habits when it comes to having a successful career. Good habits can increase productivity, foster a positive work ethic, and pave the way for consistent professional growth, despite the fact that it takes months to establish and maintain them (more precisely, between 18 and 254 days).

Every day presents a new chance to form healthy routines that will assist you in achieving your goals and becoming the person you want to be. Realizing that professional development never truly ends, even seasoned professionals continually refine their habits.

There is always room for advancement.

Are you prepared to develop new routines for professional success? Which vehement preferences are you willing to impose? Assuming they truly matter, they merit learning.

Your performance and the performance of everyone you interact with are significantly impacted by how you present yourself and conduct yourself at work.


But the most important thing is that it hurts your professional reputation a lot.

Although there are compelling reasons why these fundamental work habits are useful for the workplace, they may appear to be matters of personal style or preference.

We will go over a few of the reasons why you should be interested in learning best practices and developing better habits for the workplace in this article.

We’ll also give you some examples of 60 good work habits and advice on how to evaluate your own.

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3 60 examples of good work habits

What exactly are these work habits?

At work or in your home office, they are routine activities that form particular patterns over time. like marking emails off first thing in the morning, sending work to be reviewed before completing a task, or even keeping the same place you put your bag every day.

However, not these exercises add esteem toward the day’s end.

To additionally foster your vocation, I’ve gathered a full rundown of the most widely recognized great work propensities you’ll have to dominate to remain blissful at work.

What are work habits and why they are important for career development?

A work habit is any of the behavioral, ethical, or practical strategies employed by employees to meet company standards for job performance requirements. A culture of collaboration, dependability, efficiency, and productivity is built on a solid foundation of healthy work habits.

Basic work habits include cooperation, efficient communication, adhering to policies, staying organized, arriving on time, and managing one’s time effectively. By assisting their coworkers in a support role, employees with strong work habits may expand their typical job responsibilities and tasks to increase corporate efficiency and production (profitability).

Other employers ought to give promotions to employees who consistently develop and exhibit exceptional workplace habits in recognition of their service.

Old-fashioned good work habits are important for many people to have in order to get a job and build a good reputation with coworkers and employers. If you don’t consistently practice good work habits, you look younger and less mature. Forbes also says that your inconsistent behavior is more obvious than you might think.

It makes some managers question whether they should trust you with important tasks. The best thing you can do to be taken seriously at work is to take an essential class and develop healthy work habits. You’ll be viewed as more professional by others. That will be very helpful to you in any other job you have.

60 examples of good work habits

We’ve compiled a list of the top 60 skills that will help you succeed in your career and have fun doing it. Everything is possible with regular practice. A new healthy habit does take longer to develop. However, bear in mind that humans are more than just habitual creatures.

Our routines are what make us who we are. And it is entirely up to you to decide whether your habits will be good or bad.

  1. Be proactive, anticipate needs
  2. Always be punctual
  3. Communicate effectively
  4. Always ask for help
  5. Take criticism well
  6. Keep a work-life balance
  7. Be organized
  8. Be a team player
  9. Use tools to save time
  10. Know your strengths and weaknesses
  11. Respect deadlines
  12. Don’t procrastinate
  13. Smile more and be positive
  14. Pay attention to detail
  15. Ask relevant questions
  16. Don’t gossip
  17. Overdeliver
  18. Don’t say, “It’s not my job.”
  19. Dress appropriately
  20. Be kind
  21. Plan your day, set goals
  22. Always proofread
  23. Follow company beliefs and vision
  24. Keep learning
  25. Use habit management apps
  26. Resolve conflicts
  27. Have integrity
  28. Work on your emotional intelligence
  29. Use tools to make your life easier
  30. Never outshine your master
  31. Take criticism well
  32. Don’t gossip
  33. Be a problem solver, not a complainer
  34. Be dependable
  35. Put your phone away while at work
  36. Dress appropriately
  37. Use technology to organize better        
  38. Seek and provide assistance
  39. Go above and beyond the usual
  40. Keep personal problems out of the workplace
  41. Look at problems as opportunities, not challenges
  42. Stop procrastinating
  43. Be initiative
  44. Smile more
  45. Be organized
  46. Don’t forget that work is work
  47. Ask for help
  48. Admit to mistakes
  49. Challenge yourself
  50. Keep track of your accomplishments
  51. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”
  52. Stick to deadlines
  53. Pay attention to detail
  54. Listen actively
  55. Learn new skills
  56. Admit when you don’t know the answer
  57. Get ready for your day
  58. Never say “it’s not my job”
  59. Put all your effort
  60. Make sure you understand company policies

Let’s take a closer look at these beneficial behaviors now. We’ll talk about what they mean and give real-world examples of how they work.

1. Be proactive, anticipate needs

Being a handy scout in an office setting is similar to being proactive. You don’t just wait for instructions. You, on the other hand, are always looking around, determining what needs to be done, and then getting to work.

Assume you are in charge of an office. When a worker was reactive, they would wait for their manager to say, “Hey, we’re almost out of printer paper.” After that, they would order more paper.

However, a proactive worker won’t wait for instructions. Even when the boss didn’t say anything, he would order more paper when he noticed that there was a shortage. They took action to prevent the office from running out of paper because they anticipated a potential problem.

Being proactive is a good work habit that can help the office run smoothly and stop headaches in their tracks. Everything no doubt revolves around remaining one stride ahead!

2. Always be punctual

Being on time means always showing up at the designated times for various responsibilities. Respect for others’ time and an awareness of the professional dynamics of your workplace are required.

Here is a concrete illustration:

Let’s say you are a project manager working in an office and have a Monday morning team meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. Being on time means that you are present, prepared, and ready to begin the meeting at precisely nine o’clock. You are not rushing in at 9:05 in the morning, panicked and unprepared, delaying the start of the meeting and wasting the time of your coworkers.

Let’s take the example of a task or assignment in which you are required to prepare a financial report and present it to your supervisor by the end of the business day on Friday. In this scenario, being punctual would entail submitting the report well in advance of Friday’s closing, preferably allowing time for any necessary revisions.

Respect for others, dependability, and punctuality all contribute to the workplace’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.

3. Communicate effectively

Sharing information in a way that others can comprehend and act upon is essential to effective communication. It requires clear communication in writing or speech, attentive listening, and appropriate responses.

A concrete illustration of a workplace in an office is as follows:

Let’s say you’re a project manager and you have a deadline for your team to meet. Rather than saying, “We want to fulfill the time constraint,” you could say, “We want to finish the task’s most memorable stage by next Friday, May tenth.

This includes completing the initial coding as well as the design. Let’s talk about who can take on these responsibilities and whether there are any obstacles. You’ve made the goal and the tasks involved clear and opened the discussion, resulting in productive communication.

Active listening is another component of effective communication.

Making a small effort to comprehend your conversation partner and being genuinely interested in what they have to say is active listening. We talked about the importance of active listening in project management in a previous article. However, its advantages extend beyond the scope of projects.

Employees’ ability to communicate with one another, make decisions, negotiate, and gain new insights can all be enhanced by active listening. However, human beings are still not very good at listening and communicating, as we only remember 25% to 50% of what we hear.

Under these circumstances, active listening becomes a skill that must be acquired over time and gradually established as a beneficial work habit.

If you find that your thoughts frequently wander during conversations, the following is a succinct list of steps you can take to become an active listener:

  • Don’t talk over the speaker.
  • Try to get rid of any thoughts that might be taking your attention away from the task at hand.
  • To show that you are listening, occasionally nod.
  • Restate the speaker in your own words to demonstrate your comprehension.
  • Engage in the conversation by asking questions about the topic under discussion.
  • Provide feedback on basic assertions.

Because they ensure a clear understanding of tasks, prevent misunderstandings, aid in conflict resolution, boost team synergy, enhance customer relationships, and drive overall productivity and business success, good communication skills and active listening are good work habits.

4. Always ask for help

Having the option to request help in an office climate is a significant expertise, and it can turn into a propensity through consistently recognizing when you’re terribly lost and when you should connect with others for their skill or help.

Nobody is expected to be an expert. You are required to familiarize yourself with the software before you can complete the task of creating a complicated financial report. You might try to figure it out for hours, wasting time that could have been spent on other things.

Now, consider the scenario in which you sought assistance from a software-savvy coworker. They could demonstrate how to complete it in a fraction of the time required, assisting you in the acquisition of a new skill and ensuring that the report is completed more effectively.

A good work habit is to ask for help when you’re stuck because it shows that you value teamwork. This routine can help us all learn new things, save time, and make the office friendlier. We can collaborate more effectively and efficiently if we do it on a regular basis.

5. Take criticism well

There are three essential components to effectively responding to criticism:

  • Actively listening without getting defensive.
  • Implementing corrective measures in response to the received feedback.
  • Be aware that the feedback is not about you as a person but rather about your work.

For instance, rather than feeling insulted when your boss points out that there are too many typos in your reports, see it as an opportunity to improve your proofreading skills. Make use of a spell-checking program or allot additional time for revision prior to submission.

Accept criticism as a tool for development: Whenever you receive feedback, take a moment to reflect on it and apply it to your work. As a result of receiving constructive feedback on a regular basis, this can become a beneficial work habit. You’ll find that, over time, you’re more open to feedback and always getting better, which helps your personal growth and your team’s overall success.

6. Keep a work-life balance

A good work habit is to strike a balance between work and personal life because it prevents burnout and increases productivity.

For instance, establish a schedule in which you conclude your workday at a predetermined time so that you can engage in personal pursuits or spend time with loved ones. This habit of clearly separating personal time from work helps you manage stress and ensures that you are refreshed and prepared for the tasks of the next day, resulting in improved work performance.

Setting boundaries and consistently adhering to them is an essential part of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Some steps include:

  • Set exact work hours and stick to them.
  • Take frequent breaks while working.
  • Every day, set aside time for leisure or hobbies.
  • Turn off notifications from work when you’re at home.
  • Make mental and physical health a priority.

You can make work-life balance a regular habit and increase productivity and well-being by following these steps consistently.

7. Be organized

Do you frequently have the impression of working haphazardly? especially if you’re working from home and need to use a variety of skills and requirements for your freelance gig.

The three most important things you can do to stay organized are as follows:

  • Sort your work into lists
  • Learn to prioritize
  • Avoid multitasking

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s look at how these can become good work habits:


a) Sort your work into lists:

a)   Batch by form and structure

b)   Devise your own approach

Batch by form and structure:

Think about how you will organize your tasks. To-do lists, detailed task lists, online Kanban boards, and Gantt charts, all of which I discussed in greater depth in this guide to task management, are just a few examples. Then, to better visualize and prioritize the tasks at hand, record them all in a system or diagram.

Devise your own approach:

Your mindset lies behind the work habit of organizing your daily responsibilities. This has many different aspects. For instance, a lot of people have a propensity to put off more challenging or crucial tasks simply because they take more time to complete or are less enjoyable.

Then there are specific time constraints that you can impose on your work, like not spending more than an hour each day responding to comments on social media. In a similar vein, you can limit the amount of time you spend on activities that consume too much of your time, such as responding to emails or searching for the ideal stock image for your next post.

If you haven’t read Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy, it’s a great way to learn why starting the most important task—eating the frog—is the key to increasing productivity.


b) Learn to prioritize

Many workers begin working on their assignments without considering the order in which they are completed. Like project planning before implementation, some tasks should be completed first. Priorities for team members are typically set by a project manager. However, in the end, it is up to you to establish prioritization as a routine at work.

The GTD method is another one that you can use to set your priorities. A framework designed by David Allen to store all of your bad and good brain dumps in a system by following five essential steps:

  • Capture – write all ideas and tasks that require your attention
  • Clarify – fully understand all ideas and how you can use them
  • Organize – organize all activities into lists
  • Reflect – systematically analyze what you’re doing
  • Engage – work on the ideas

The GTD diagram can be used to make the process work for you in the following ways:


c) Avoid multitasking:

Oh, the habit of multitasking, which we all have in one way or another and even boast about to our coworkers and friends. Multitasking is actually a myth. In his book The Myth of Multitasking, Dave Crenshaw says that it “gets nothing done.”

Even if you are sitting next to someone who is multitasking, multitasking affects your brain’s efficiency and comprehension abilities by 17%, which affects productivity by 40% and lowers your IQ, just like passive smoking does.

8. Be a team player

Being a team player makes work go more smoothly and quickly, which is a good work habit. Consider the situation in which a coworker struggles with a task that you excel at. Your coworker will learn something new and the task will be completed more quickly if you assist.

Be a team player on a regular basis by seeking out opportunities to collaborate and assist others. This team-first mentality will become second nature over time.

9. Use tools to save time

Unnecessary activities like checking social media or surfing the web aimlessly consume a lot of employees’ time. Companies are looking for employees who can take charge of their time and make the most of it because these disrupt the business process.

One of the most important soft skills for workers to have is time management, which helps them be more productive on their own. Check out these strategies to stop procrastination for people who tend to put things off.

Employees can focus and work effectively without constant supervision from a manager thanks to time-tracking tools. They assist hourly freelancers in receiving the accurate compensation they are due for their work, among other advantages.

How does a time tracker work?

A good way to keep track of your hourly engagements, whether they are in or out of the office, is to use automated timesheet software. Simply press the start button whenever you begin work and the stop button when you are finished. The majority of apps will automatically record time entries in a timesheet, and you can also create time reports to keep track of your progress.

10. Know your strengths and weaknesses

Understanding your work-related strengths and weaknesses enables you to identify your strengths and areas for improvement. For instance, if you are good at design but need to work on your math skills, you might be good at making presentations but have trouble managing budgets.

This enables you to capitalize on your strengths (concentrating on tasks related to design) and address your weaknesses (practice math or seek assistance). Consider your work on a regular basis, solicit feedback, and take steps to improve will help you develop this habit. This will help you become a better employee and increase your value to your team.

11. Respect deadlines

Respecting deadlines at work is essential for keeping projects on track and maintaining team trust. For instance, if you are a member of a team working on the launch of a product, a delay in your task could push back the launch date, which would have a ripple effect.

Plan your work, divide tasks into manageable chunks, and set reminders for when things need to be done to turn this into a good work habit. Being on time with deadlines can help you work more efficiently, build a better reputation as a trustworthy team member, and help the team as a whole succeed over time.

12. Don’t procrastinate

Postponing your responsibilities will only add up in the long run and result in burnout, which is difficult to recover from. If you don’t believe me, procrastination is a habit. That one is bad. Additionally, it frequently occurs alongside a lack of discipline and motivation. In one way or another, 88% of all employees put things off. Give that a moment to sink in.

To stop putting things off and become more productive at work, you need to find your drive and develop your discipline first. To discover the cause of your procrastination and how to overcome it, there are a few useful books. For instance, The Now Habit suggests that you take well-deserved breaks, keep track of your time, and discover any hidden anxieties that might prevent you from working on your project.

For easier-to-understand guidance on how to gradually end your procrastination patterns:

  • Do the tasks that are the most challenging first.
  • For each activity you engage in, set a goal and find intrinsic motivation for it.
  • Make a plan for the following day and stick to it.
  • Menial activities like checking your friends’ social media updates or the most recent YouTube video from your favorite channel should be limited or eliminated.
  • Stop criticizing yourself and putting pressure on yourself.

13. Smile more and be positive

Smiling and being upbeat at work might just be a matter of being nice, according to some. However, it’s an important work routine that can make a big difference.

Smiling and maintaining a positive attitude improves mood and teamwork in the workplace. Take, for instance, the scenario in which you are in a meeting and your team is worried about a large project. It can calm everyone’s nerves and boost their confidence if you show up with a smile, a positive attitude, and the belief that you have in your team.

Keeping a positive attitude and smiling more often on a daily basis can make this a habit. It will become a natural part of your work if you do it often, resulting in a happier and more productive workplace.

14. Pay attention to detail

The quality of your work is impacted by your attention to detail, which has a direct impact on your professional reputation, the effectiveness of your team, and the success of your organization. Misunderstandings, rework, or incorrect decisions can result from even insignificant oversights or errors.

Consider the scenario in which you are creating a report for a client. You will be able to provide a report that is accurate, professional, and simple to understand if you carefully check all of the data, make sure there are no typos, and make sure everything is explained clearly. Customers may be impressed by your attention to detail and increase their confidence in your business.

Always take a little extra time to double-check your work, whether you’re proofreading a document or reviewing an email before sending it, to make this a habit. This meticulous checking routine will become second nature to you over time, boosting both your overall performance and your reputation for high-quality work.

15. Ask relevant questions

In a work environment, being able to ask good questions means looking for clarity, encouraging deeper thought, and starting productive discussions. Clear, purposeful, and open-ended questions improve comprehension and foster collaboration. For instance, as an alternative to requesting, “Do you think this project will work?” You might inquire, “What are the potential obstacles we might have to overcome in this project, and how can we do that?”

Another illustration: Assume you are a member of a software development team and receive a new feature request. Rather than asking, “When are we going to start working on this?” You might inquire, “Can we discuss how this new feature aligns with our current development priorities and will benefit the user experience?” You are asking the team to consider the feature’s significance and place in the project as a whole by asking this question.

This kind of questioning encourages in-depth discussion, assists in anticipating problems, and encourages problem-solving. Developing a good work habit of asking insightful questions on a regular basis can lead to improved workplace communication and decision-making.

16. Don’t gossip

A workplace can be damaged by gossip, which can undermine trust, cause teams to feel divided, reduce productivity, damage reputations, and lower morale. Rumors about a coworker’s alleged error, for instance, can cause unnecessary stress and divert attention from more pressing tasks.

Similarly, rumors of layoffs can cause anxiety and uncertainty, diverting attention away from work. These are just a few examples that illustrate how gossip can have a significant impact on the workplace.

Focusing on constructive discussions about work is a great habit to develop. Practice constructively addressing coworkers and refrain from engaging in gossip. This habit will help create a workplace that is more supportive and productive over time.

17. Overdeliver

Over-delivering means going above and beyond the call of duty. It is a good work habit because it demonstrates dedication and can improve outcomes. For instance, your boss and coworkers are likely to be impressed if you produce a report, deliver it on time, and add valuable insights.

Try to always aim to add value to your work to make this a habit. This “extra mile” approach will become ingrained in your work routine over time, allowing you to stand out and creating new opportunities.

18. Don’t say, “It’s not my job.”

In a work environment, saying “it’s not my job” can come across as uncooperative and may limit your opportunities for growth. It demonstrates teamwork, adaptability, and dedication to the success of the organization if you are willing to step outside of your normal responsibilities when necessary.

But this does not mean that you should always take on responsibilities outside of your job. It is essential to discuss this with your manager if you are frequently required to work independently of your job and if this is affecting your ability.

Consider saying something along the lines of “I’m currently focused on [your current task/project]” as an alternative to “It’s not my job.” Could we talk about how this new task fits in with the priorities of our team? This demonstrates your willingness to assist but also your awareness of your responsibilities.

Transforming this open and helpful methodology into a decent work propensity can work on your connections at work, increment your worth to the group, and lead to additional changed and energizing open doors inside the association.

19. Dress appropriately

It’s important to dress professionally at work because it can affect how others see you. Dressing appropriately demonstrates respect for your workplace and can assist you in integrating into the culture of the company. It also shows that you are prepared to work and take your position seriously.

Regarding dressing for a “better job” than you currently hold, the goal is to convey professionalism and ambition. Your desire to advance within the company may be communicated by dressing more formally or polished than your current position requires.

However, this does not mean that you should wear a three-piece suit to a casual office. It’s about finding a balance between showing respect for your current environment and giving a small nod to the job you want.

To make this a good habit, you should always think about whether your outfit is appropriate for the workplace. This can help you advance in your career by contributing to a more professional image over time.

20. Be kind

Kindness at work is important because it builds strong relationships, encourages teamwork, improves the atmosphere of the workplace, and even increases productivity.

Take, for instance, the situation in which a coworker is having trouble with a task in which they are proficient. Being benevolent could mean requiring a couple of moments to clear up an idea for them or proposition help. Your kindness not only eases their stress but may also encourage others to be kind to you.

Let’s now look at the opposite. Your working relationship could be strained as a result of the negative interaction and their continued struggle if you were unkind and dismissed it.

Every day, do small acts of kindness like helping someone else, complimenting them, or simply asking how their day is going to help you develop a habit of kindness. Your workplace may become more cooperative, productive, and supportive as a result of this ingrained kindness over time.

21. Plan your day, set goals

You need to set goals for yourself and your job, just like you do for your company. To succeed, these objectives must, however, be attainable. You can use the SMART goals framework to set goals that are both challenging enough to work toward and not too ambitious to give up on:


Keep in mind specific goals: To raise brand awareness, we want to increase blog traffic.


Give responses to inquiries like “How much?” or, “How many?” To raise awareness of our brand, we want to triple the monthly traffic to our blog.


Be prepared with the necessary resources to reach them within a specified timeframe: We want to hire a content writer to publish three articles per week and promote them on social media to spread brand awareness in order to triple the amount of traffic to our blog.


Any goal you set should be related to the overall goals of your business. If you only sell locally, you won’t be able to achieve a goal like becoming a global industry leader. By hiring a content writer to publish three articles per week and promote them on social media to raise brand awareness and turn leads into customers, we hope to triple the traffic to our blog.

Timely or time-bound:

Refers to the necessity of setting a time limit or deadline. This guarantees that you won’t put off achieving your goal for ever: By hiring a content writer to publish three articles per week and promote them on social media to raise brand awareness and turn leads into customers by July 1, this year, we hope to triple the amount of traffic to our blog.

22. Always proofread

At work, proofreading your messages helps you remain professional. It ensures clear communication, helps to avoid misunderstandings, and demonstrates attention to detail.

For instance, you send a client an email in a hurry and include information that is unclear or contains errors by accident. This could mislead the customer or give them the impression that you are careless, putting you at risk of damaging your professional reputation.

Even the most qualified individuals occasionally make grammatical errors in their texts. No one is perfect. However, it can be interpreted as unprofessional to make such errors on a regular basis because it may indicate a lack of care, carelessness, or communication skills.

However, if you take the time to proofread the email and correct any errors before sending it, you will ensure that the message is clear and professional, strengthening your credibility and that of your business.

By consistently taking a few minutes to review your messages before sending them, you can make this a habit. Doing this on a regular basis makes your communication clearer and demonstrates your dedication to professional work of high quality.

23. Follow company beliefs and vision

Your work will be more in line with a company’s overall objectives if you adhere to its beliefs and vision. It fosters a sense of team unity and purpose and ensures that everyone is working toward the same goal. For instance, if a company’s goal is to provide the best customer service in its sector, aligning with this goal might require you to go above and beyond in your position to ensure that customers are satisfied.

This might entail paying close attention to what customers have to say, quickly fixing problems, or suggesting changes based on what they have to say. A company’s beliefs and vision can have a negative impact on the workplace.

Let’s say that your company’s mission is to encourage sustainability throughout all of its operations, but you consistently ignore this by wasting resources or failing to follow recycling guidelines. 

Not only does this behavior go against the company’s values, but it could also cause conflict with coworkers who are trying to uphold the company’s vision. Your actions could even put relationships with partners or customers who value sustainability in jeopardy, which could cost the business money.

Your work will always contribute to the organization’s goals if you regularly remind yourself of its vision and incorporate it into your daily tasks. This routine has the potential to improve your career advancement within the company, make your work more meaningful, and raise your level of job satisfaction.

24. Keep learning

Workplace learning keeps you up to date on industry trends, broadens your skill set, and can boost your ability to help your team and the business.

Take, for instance, the scenario in which you are employed in marketing and decide to expand your knowledge of data analytics in your spare time. Therefore, you could begin investigating client information to illuminate your advertising techniques, prompting more fruitful missions. This could make you more valuable to the company and give you new opportunities for your career.

Set aside a certain amount of time each week to learn something new about your field to make continuous learning a habit. It involves reading news about the industry, enrolling in online courses, or even asking a coworker to share their expertise. Your professional development and standing within the company can both benefit from this commitment to learning over time.

25. Use habit management apps

The majority of people believe that forming habits requires willpower. However, it also requires structure and tracking, which is where apps for habit management come in handy.

An app for managing your habits is a tool that helps you form, track, and keep good habits. It can offer ways to keep track of your progress over time as well as reminders and motivating prompts.

You want to get better at managing your time at work, for instance. You might be able to prioritize work, set deadlines, and break down large projects into manageable tasks with the assistance of an app like Loop Habit Tracker. It allows you to visually track your progress and sends reminders for upcoming tasks.

You can utilize advanced task management software like Paymo if your work involves more complicated or collaborative tasks. Project timelines, tools for team collaboration, and progress reports are just a few of the more specific features offered by these platforms, which give you complete support for managing your tasks and increasing productivity.

You are completing your tasks and developing the habit of effective time management by using the app on a daily basis. This has the potential to make your workday more organized and less stressful over time, as well as boost productivity.

26. Resolve conflicts

It is possible to develop the valuable skill of successfully resolving workplace conflicts into a positive habit. Conflicts that do not get resolved have the potential to put people on edge, reduce output, and harm relationships among team members. On the other hand, actively resolving conflicts can result in enhanced productivity, improved work dynamics, and strengthened team relationships.

Take, for instance, the scenario in which two team members disagree about the project’s direction, resulting in tension and a halt to progress. You could organize a meeting where everyone can freely express their opinions rather than avoiding the issue. Then, you can assist them in finding a new solution or a compromise that takes into account both points of view.

Start by regularly practicing active listening and empathetic communication to make conflict resolution a habit. When there is disagreement, don’t judge right away; instead, try to understand the different points of view. These actions can become second nature over time, assisting you in conflict management and conflict resolution, improving collaboration, and creating a healthier work environment.

27. Have integrity

In the workplace, being honest, acting morally, and adhering to moral principles must be consistently demonstrated in all professional interactions and decisions.

Since ancient times, people have placed a high value on being trustworthy and honest. In the workplace, where maintaining healthy relationships with coworkers, managers, partners, and clients necessitates integrity, the same traits are sought after.

In the workplace, being honest is just as important as in personal relationships. Employees will accumulate frustrations and disappointments that they are too afraid to express in the absence of honesty. They will only develop passive-aggressive behavior as a result of this, or worse, they will leave their current employer.

According to research, upper management establishes trust. The connection between being honest at work and being happy at work is clear: 63% of employees are more satisfied with their work and are more likely to stay at their current job because leaders trust them and either praise them for an accomplishment or admit when they made a mistake.

The good news is that most businesses are already able to win and keep customers’ trust. 78% of respondents to the survey say that honesty is practiced frequently in their business, with a higher percentage in countries like Ireland (88%) and Portugal (85%).

Although it may appear that the company is in charge of developing a work environment that values honesty, trust is ultimately the responsibility of the individual. So, the next time you get the chance to say something but are afraid to, keep these things in mind:

  • Be honest, then allow others to state their needs and opinions frankly
  • Admit to your mistakes
  • Communicate openly
  • Offer constructive feedback whenever possible
  • Make sure your actions are consistent with your statements
  • Don’t lie

28. Work on your emotional intelligence

Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of “emotional intelligence,” tying it to the workplace and its significance for determining a person’s success or failure in a professional setting:

Daniel Goleman said:

“The widespread recognition that these skills—self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skill—distinguish the most successful workers and leaders from the average person has sparked interest in emotional intelligence in the workplace.

This is especially true in positions such as professionals and higher-level executives, where everyone is about as smart as everyone else and the best and edge comes from how people manage themselves and their relationships.”

Emotional quotient (EQ) and intelligence quotient (IQ) are two of the most extensively studied aspects of success prediction. However, studies indicate that emotional intelligence (EI) has the final say in enhancing job performance and job satisfaction, despite the fact that everyone is obsessed with finding out their IQ score.

75% of employers chose to promote workers with strong emotional intelligence, according to this CareerBuilder survey, which revealed that 71% of employers are more likely to value employees with high EQ scores.

The Great Resignation of 2021 demonstrated that job performance in an expanding talent pool and job dissatisfaction in a toxic workplace were among the primary factors driving change in the workplace culture.

29. Use tools to make your life easier

In every way, we are now a part of a digital workplace. People use technology to get to work and do their chores, and some even work entirely online. It makes sense that we also rely on technology for good.

Tools for tracking time have already been mentioned, but you can also automate your work with other apps. This gives us more time to focus on the things that require our creativity and emotional intelligence, which software cannot (at least for the time being) replace.

Tools like Google Drive and Dropbox are essential because they securely store your files in the cloud, allowing you to access them from any location (or make backups of the files on your computer). In contrast, Evernote and Google Keep organize your preferred web pages or ideas so that you can revisit them later when you have enough patience.

In real time, Grammarly will highlight any errors in your writing and offer suggestions for how to fix them, saving you time when proofreading. Is Photoshop taking too much time for you? Try Canva. Do you require a quick keyword list? Try tools that generate keywords.

Task management, resource scheduling, file storage, and even time tracking are just some of the features that are included in the best project management software. One such tool is Paymo, which allows you to invoice customers based on the time you spend on each project. Check out our invoicing guide to learn more about the advantages of invoicing, including what an electronic invoice is and the standard invoice format.

The project management tool of your choice will notify you of important milestones and deadlines so that you don’t forget about them.

30. Never outshine your master

In his book “The 48 Laws of Power,” Robert Greene coined the expression “Never outshine your master.” Since appearing too competent can lead to feelings of insecurity and negative reactions, the principle states that making those above you feel superior is essential for maintaining good relationships.

Consider a manager who is proud of their Excel skills as an example. You might be more skilled, but if you keep pointing this out, it might make your manager feel threatened, which could hurt your relationship. Instead, employ your skills subtly to support your manager’s work, such as providing assistance when they need it without boasting about your abilities.

Empathy and humility toward higher-ups are essential for making this a habit. This does not imply hiding your skills; rather, it means displaying them in a way that does not jeopardize the status of others. Instead of overtly boasting, demonstrate your competence through your work results and allow others to acknowledge your skills. Keep in mind that your objective is to contribute effectively to the team, not to outdo your superiors.

You can now come up with a lot better work habits. However, the ones we’ve talked about are excellent places to start when it comes to practicing. It takes time to form new routines, but if you start working on them right away, you’ll see an increase in your daily productivity at work sooner rather than later. Keep going, or else you might be disappointed and not get the results you were hoping for.

31. Take criticism well

According to research, criticism fosters creativity. In addition, nobody is praising your work out of dislike for you. On the other hand, if your manager is praising you, it could be because they want to help you succeed.

As a result, you should think about taking criticism in order to improve your work practices and advance professionally.

32. Don’t gossip

It is considered unprofessional to gossip at work. If a coworker tries to get you involved in gossip or talks behind another coworker’s back, you should avoid it and keep your distance.

A loss of managers’ trust is one of the negative effects of workplace gossip. Furthermore, gossiping frequently wastes time, which reduces productivity.

33. Be a problem solver, not a complainer

Every workplace experiences difficulties on a daily basis. That is valid paying little heed to where you work or who your colleagues are. You usually have to deal with problems that someone else started.

As a result, solving problems rather than complaining about them is preferable in the workplace.

34. Be dependable

Dependability is a personal quality that gives your coworkers the impression that you are trustworthy and reliable. Being dependable means keeping your promises, meeting deadlines, and exceeding others’ expectations.

35. Put your phone away while at work

While you are working, text messages and notifications on your phone can be a major distraction. Use breaks to check your phone only.

36. Dress appropriately

By dressing appropriately, you can project a professional and positive image of your company to others. You’ll get a better reception if you look nice and put together, even if you dress casually or wear a uniform.

37. Use technology to organize better  

Planners and notebooks of yore are becoming passé. Traditional planners and notebooks are being phased out in favor of productivity apps and online calendars.

Employees can now save all of their paperwork, calendars, to-do lists, and deadlines on their laptops and smartphones thanks to technological advancements.

38. Seek and provide assistance

No matter how talented they are, no one can do it all on their own. If you need assistance, don’t be afraid to ask for it. Recognize that other people may also require assistance but may be reluctant to ask, so whenever you can, lend a hand.

39. Go above and beyond the usual

You’ll get promoted more quickly than you thought if you do more work than is required. Attempt to share all your inventive thoughts and be creative.

Gary Ryan Blair, a businessman, advises, “Do more than is required.” How much of a difference is there between someone who consistently achieves their goals and those who merely follow? The additional mile.”

To avoid being exploited at work, however, maintain a work-life balance.

40. Keep personal problems out of the workplace

Don’t go into too much detail about the issues that are important to you.

What you say to your coworkers can have an impact on how your boss and your coworkers view your ability to do your job well and make you the subject of office gossip.

41. Look at problems as opportunities, not challenges

Instead of holding you back and causing anxiety and stress, problems can open up new possibilities for you. Additionally, mental issues are present.

Consequently, we have the option of allowing a problem to become overwhelming or, like successful people, turning it into an opportunity to gain something.

42. Stop procrastinating

According to studies, procrastination has a negative impact on one’s psychological well-being and overall work performance. Even if you despise the project, delaying completing it will not solve the problem. It’s probably best to get rid of it now.

43. Be initiative

At work, try to be a self-starter. You’ll show your managers that you value your work and demonstrate your responsibility by taking initiative. Taking part in constructive activities when there is no clear instruction. going above and beyond; exceeding the call of duty.

44. Smile more

Smiling makes you and those around you feel better. Naturally, don’t smile when something is wrong, like when something terrible happens. However, showing respect to your coworkers by smiling politely says a lot about how you view the workplace.

45. Be organized

You can be more productive at work by staying organized because it makes it easier to concentrate on your responsibilities. Both employee job performance and project cooperation can be improved by organizations.

46. Don’t forget that work is work

It is essential to enjoy your work, but if you expect it to always be fun, you will be very disappointed. You will have to do things that aren’t glamorous, but as the saying goes, “that’s why they’re paying you huge amounts.”

47. Ask for help

If you need assistance understanding a project or a job, ask your teammates or management for help. It’s fine to admit that you know you could improve your skills or work processes to advance in your career.

48. Admit to mistakes

Recognizing that everyone makes mistakes, even at work, and that admitting them can have a lasting impact on those with whom you collaborate is essential. You can offer your apologies to those whose lives were harmed as a result of your error and think of ways to fix it now and prevent it from happening again.

49. Challenge yourself

Look into ways to push yourself at work. You might discover or develop new skills, or you might make a name for yourself among your coworkers and superiors by demonstrating that you want to advance in your position.

To boost your confidence in your abilities, ask your manager if you can lead some projects.

50. Keep track of your accomplishments

Particularly if they have multiple employees reporting to them, it may be challenging for your boss to keep track of everyone’s assignments and accomplishments.

51. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”

Even though you might want to help anyone who asks you a question, it’s important to tell them when you don’t know the answer, not to assume and possibly mislead them.

If you find yourself in this situation, let them know that you don’t know the answer and offer to look it up for them. Follow up as soon as you can.

52. Stick to deadlines

In today’s fast-paced organizational environment, meeting deadlines is essential. Surprisingly, there are a lot of benefits to working under pressure. You will earn the respect of your coworkers and leadership team by meeting deadlines. You will also avoid project-related stress and demonstrate professionalism.

53. Pay attention to detail

If you focus on the small things, your work should get better. You might even find that your accomplishments at work make you happy.

54. Listen actively

At work, make it a habit to actively listen to coworkers, bosses, vendors, customers, and clients through simple practices. You will be able to improve your understanding of people, build trust, and expand your commercial ties as a result of this action.

55. Learn new skills

Think about taking the initiative to learn new skills that are relevant to your current job or your career goals. Talk to your coworkers in the positions you’re interested in to find out which skills they use the most at work. This will help you figure out which skills you should learn first.

56. Admit when you don’t know the answer

If you find yourself in a situation, tell them you don’t know how to solve it and offer to look it up for them. Then, as soon as you can, follow up.

57. Get ready for your day

Prepare for the day by getting to work early and thinking about what you need to get done there. You shouldn’t be afraid of last-minute changes. You might have to alter your plans.

58. Never say “it’s not my job”

Prepare to assist as needed. It might mean doing something that isn’t in your job description, but you’ll show that you can change with the job.

59. Put all your effort

Make it a habit to check your work for errors before submitting it if you want to give your best effort. This could involve having your project proofread or having someone else go through it to make sure nothing was missed.

60. Make sure you understand company policies

If you don’t know what they are, ask someone who does, like the human resources department, for more information. Instead, if you ask a coworker, they might give you the wrong answer, and you’ll be held responsible.

Work habit checklist

Knowing the necessary habits is one thing; It’s entirely different to put them into practice. If we transfer them to a worksheet, we will be able to better arrange them. It will eventually become a part of our lives if we keep reminding ourselves of each point on a daily basis.

In order for us to achieve this, we need to set aside a lot of time throughout the day for these personal, easy exercises. You can use a worksheet about the formation of habits to better understand the psychology of habits and learn how to develop good work habits.

You will be able to identify your habits, break them, and transform them into positive ones using the worksheet.

Good work habits Vs Bad work habits

In these extraordinary times, it is simple to develop bad work habits, but that does not mean we cannot change them. In order to have a productive day at work and begin developing new habits that will help you, here are some bad work habits and how to break them.

For instance, working too much without taking breaks or taking too many breaks. It is a fallacy to believe that working without breaks increases productivity. You might be unable to be productive if you stop taking too many breaks.

You might lose focus and miss deadlines if you snack every hour, check your phone frequently, or just don’t work for a long time. Limiting the number of breaks you take is the solution to avoiding taking too many breaks. Despite the fact that this may appear challenging, offer yourself incentives to work harder.

However, it’s important to take breaks from work from time to time, so make sure you take them.

How to evaluate work habits I already have?

Even if you have a lot of bad habits, that doesn’t make you a bad person. In the long run, developing healthy routines can help you perform better at work. Recognize that it is never too late to implement new working practices, so take constructive criticism into consideration.

Assessing your current work habits is the best place to start. As part of your job, keep track of what you do every day. Make a list of your rituals after examining them. Is it true that they are all necessary? Are they causing you stress? Do you dread dealing with them? Finally, are there any of these rituals that could be improved upon?


There are so many beneficial practices to choose from when it comes to developing good work habits that it can feel overwhelming. In any case, simply sit back and relax! You have a lot of options from the list of 60 good work habits.

Have the determination and perseverance to keep going and decide to start right away. Keep in mind, achievement doesn’t simply come from knowing the propensities, yet from venturing out and remaining committed all through the excursion.

And as a final joke to encourage you to begin right away:

Why did the accountant who put off work struggle to develop productive work habits?

Because the sheer volume of advice available overwhelmed him!

He started reading books about managing his time, but he needed help choosing which approach to take. Despite attending seminars on productivity, he required assistance with the numerous productivity apps and Post-it notes.

A wise mentor came up to him one day and told him, “Listen, my friend, you need to simplify things.” Choose one approach at a time. Keep in mind that Rome wasn’t built in a day; rather, it was built with consistent effort and a clear plan.

After a brief pause, the accountant who put off paying the bill said, “You’re right! Tomorrow is my first day.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What are examples of good working habits?

There are a plenty of working environment propensities that can assist you with succeeding. One habit that demonstrates commitment and organization is showing up to work on time every day.

Respecting the opinions of others and finishing work on time enhance your positive image. Other beneficial work habits include: planning your day, asking genuine questions, avoiding distractions, being kind to others, effectively communicating tasks, and so on.

What are working habits?

Your daily, weekly, and long-term tasks at work are your working habits. Positive workplace habits help you achieve your goals, help your team succeed, and keep you motivated if they are in line with your values.

These good work habits are the foundation of a successful career because they help you be as efficient as possible, make you trustworthy, and improve your skills in communication, teamwork, leadership, and other areas.

What are the 8 good working habits?

There are a plenty of working propensities that could decidedly influence you at work. If you are unsure of which area to concentrate on, the following eight beneficial work practices may be of assistance to you: respecting project deadlines, arriving on time to work, using professional language, constantly acquiring new information, anticipating the needs of others, acting on an idea, asking questions, admitting errors, and communicating openly and honestly are all important aspects of success.

What are workplace habits?

Workplace habits are the actions you take on a regular basis at work. However, they may not rotate explicitly around work. The actions you take before you start working, during breaks, and when you are in meetings are all examples of workplace habits.

These routines could be beneficial to your relationships with others and increase your value to the team. If the habits are bad, they could also distract you and reduce productivity.

What are productive work habits?

Activities that help you stay focused and avoid distractions at work are called productive work habits. Preparing your schedule in advance could be an example of a productive work habit. This makes sure you know exactly what needs to be done and when.

Another productive work habit is removing distractions. Changes to your work environment, such as relocating or blocking websites that distract you, can help you avoid distractions.

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