14 Best Jobs of The Future [2024] – The Most In-Demand Careers

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The world is evolving ever more than before, and the most in-demand careers are indeed in need for many aspiring graduates. Explore our predictions for the top 14 best jobs of the future and find the best online courses to prepare for each career.

As the world becomes more digital, it’s essential to understand what this means for your education and the future career jobs

In this article, we explore 14 jobs that are expected to thrive in the coming years. Whether you’re a recent graduate or considering a career change, this guide is for you.

Learn about the new jobs that will be in demand for decades and which career paths may disappear. With this knowledge, you can plan your education and training to ensure long-term success. 


Here are 14 of the best jobs and industries for the future. Most of these positions are available now, and they’re expected to remain important for many years to come.

The best jobs of the future:

  1. Software developer (and other coding careers)
  2. Blockchain jobs
  3. Virtual reality jobs
  4. Ethical hacker (or any job in cybersecurity)
  5. Big data analyst
  6. Content creator
  7. AI jobs
  8. Data protection jobs
  9. Gene experts/editors
  10. Mental health jobs
  11. Data broker
  12. Augmented reality developer
  13. Drone expert/pilot
  14. Entrepreneur

1. Software developer (and other coding careers)

Coding is quickly becoming one of the most in-demand skills for tech companies and research groups. 

In a survey by Remote involving over 500 tech workers and employers, 37% said that software developers will be the most important tech job in the future, making it the top-ranked job in the survey.

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Due to the growing importance of coding, some European countries have started teaching it in primary schools. In the UK, a school in Coventry even hired a ten-year-old coding prodigy to teach coding classes!

There’s no doubt that coding will create many new jobs in the future. 

However, since it will take time for these young students to enter the workforce, there is an immediate need for skilled coders. Switching to a coding career can boost your salary by up to 38%.

If you want to take advantage of this opportunity, now is a great time to start a career in software development. 

Begin your journey with our Software Development Fundamentals ExpertTrack. Whether you want to learn Python, improve your Java skills, or earn a Django certification, fiverr have the right course for you.

Programming offers endless possibilities. With our courses, you can explore various fields, from video game design and development to application programming. Dive in and discover what excites you!

2. Blockchain jobs

According to PwC’s “Time for Trust” report, blockchain technology is expected to enhance over 40 million jobs worldwide by 2030, making blockchain jobs our number two pick for the future. 

The rise of blockchain technology will significantly shape the future of finance. You can learn about decentralized finance and how to become a blockchain developer through our courses.

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Even if you’re not familiar with blockchain, you’ve probably heard about it in relation to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. 

However, blockchain isn’t just for cryptocurrency. 

It’s a versatile technology that can be applied in many different industries.

For example, the automotive industry uses blockchain to track a vehicle’s history, preventing fraud. When all information about a car’s mileage and maintenance is securely recorded on the blockchain, sellers can’t lie about it.

The potential of blockchain is enormous, and many industries will be seeking blockchain developers in the future. You can get an introduction to blockchain and its uses in our course offered by UCL.

3. Virtual reality jobs

If we had to pick an industry set to thrive in the coming decades, virtual reality (VR) seems like a strong candidate. 

Recent data shows that the global market for augmented reality (AR) and VR is expected to grow from $30.7 billion in 2021 to $296.9 billion in 2024, a nearly tenfold increase.

With the 2021 announcement of the Metaverse, a network of virtual worlds developed by Meta (formerly Facebook), it’s evident that VR and AR will have a significant impact both now and in the future.

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From marketing teams to video game developers, VR is set to become a major part of the job market and society. 

If you already have some VR skills, you might be interested in our “Construct a Virtual Reality Experience” course.

4. Ethical hacker (or any job in cybersecurity)

Ethical hacking, a job in network security, is here to stay. Ethical hackers, also known as white hat hackers, will always be needed as long as the internet exists. 

Since it’s unlikely the internet will disappear anytime soon, this career is very secure.

If you like the idea of a job with a 0% unemployment rate, ethical hacking might be a great fit for you. The number of ethical hackers is expected to grow by 20% by the end of 2023 compared to the previous year.

If you’re interested in testing websites to find security weaknesses, you might enjoy our online cybersecurity courses. You can start with an Introduction to Ethical Hacking from Coventry University and the Institute of Coding.

5. Big data analyst

The field of big data has grown significantly in recent years and shows no signs of slowing down. According to Statista, the global big data analytics market is expected to grow by 30% by 2025, reaching over $68 billion in revenue.

Data analysts are becoming key players in business development. 

Thanks to big data, they can analyze vast amounts of information to benefit their employers, helping make accurate predictions and guiding business leaders to make informed decisions.

If you enjoy working with numbers and turning complex data into practical insights, this career could be very rewarding and stable. Explore our data analytics courses, such as Marketing Analytics from the University of Virginia or Big Data Analytics from Griffith University.

6. Content creator

There’s been a huge surge in content creators over the past few years. 

But what exactly is a content creator? 

This term broadly refers to anyone who makes content for digital platforms.

The most well-known content creators are social media influencers—you can learn more about influencer marketing in our blog post.

With more people consuming online content than ever before—the global consumption of online content doubled in 2020 due to the pandemic—the demand for content creators is expected to keep growing.

From fashion bloggers to true crime vloggers, the career possibilities in this field are vast. To succeed, you’ll need to be skilled with social media. 

Our courses in Digital Marketing Content Creation and Instagram Marketing Essentials can help you get started. It might also be helpful to improve your copywriting skills.

7. AI jobs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing even faster than virtual reality. With Elon Musk discussing the idea of implanting chips in people’s heads to create superhumans, the potential of AI is truly eye-opening.

But AI isn’t just about transforming humans. It’s also about building functional robots and improving business processes. The advancements in AI are nearly limitless, ensuring that jobs in this field will remain in demand.

You might wonder if the rise of AI will lead to fewer jobs for humans. However, a study by PwC found that while some jobs may be lost to automation, new jobs will be created thanks to a larger and wealthier economy driven by these new technologies.

Whether you’re interested in creative AI, medical robots in healthcare, or natural language processing, our AI courses can introduce you to a variety of exciting career opportunities.

8. Data protection jobs

The laws around data handling and privacy are becoming stricter every decade. 

Personal data is highly valuable because marketing teams use it to sell products, and political groups use it to create targeted campaigns.

Unfortunately, our data often ends up in the wrong hands and is misused or used illegally. This has led to the creation of new jobs, such as data detectives, who track down and stop companies from misusing data.

These investigations are already happening. 

For example, there was an investigation into Cambridge Analytica, which allegedly influenced the USA election and the Brexit vote. You can learn more about this in the Cambridge Analytica documentary on Netflix.

The main point is that more data detective jobs are on the horizon. You can learn about data science ethics and how to protect health data in our courses.

9. Gene experts/editors

The UK government predicts that by 2030, there could be over 18,000 new jobs in gene and cell therapy in Britain alone. So, if you’re interested in genomic medicine, this might be a field worth considering.

Gene editing is a hot topic because it allows us to alter genes, almost like playing the role of a god. But aside from choosing traits like eye color or height in babies, gene editing has medical uses. 

With this technology, we can lower the risks of serious health conditions and greatly improve people’s quality of life.

However, there are ethical and legal concerns to address. 

What should we be allowed to do? 

What’s off-limits? 

Legislators will need to establish rules for gene editing, and they’re already working on it. Then, we’ll need medical experts to actually edit genes and oversee the whole process.

Though the topic can be sensitive, it’s a significant advancement for humanity. 

You can learn more about the future of genetics in medicine, how DNA affects health, or how genomic medicine can help with conditions like diabetes in our genetics courses.

10. Mental health jobs

In society, many people are working to reduce the stigma around mental health problems. This helps people feel more comfortable seeking help from professional mental health services.

Jobs in mental health won’t be going away anytime soon. Just like we always need doctors and nurses, we’ll always need mental health specialists to support us during difficult times. 

In fact, studies show that job postings for mental health skills increased by 230% from 2016 to 2021.

Recent events like the pandemic, economic downturns, environmental concerns, and the rise in remote work may lead to even more demand for psychologists and mental health organizations. 

Depending on the area you want to make a difference in, we offer courses on various mental health topics, including depression, anxiety, CBT, and helping students with complex trauma.

11. Data broker

Earlier, we talked about some new jobs that will be created by data, and here’s another one. Just like brokers help smooth transactions for goods like commodities, there will be a new kind of broker – the data broker.

It’s pretty straightforward. 

These data brokers will help arrange deals between companies that sell data and those who want to buy it. 

They’ll make sure the buyer gets the data they need and the seller gets paid. Plus, they’ll make sure the data stays private, protecting the new data market.

The amount of data online is growing rapidly every day, currently estimated at 1.145 trillion MB per day, so we’re pretty sure data brokers will have job security for a long time.

If you’re interested in working with data, we offer great courses in data science, data visualization, and data analytics.

12. Augmented reality developer

Did you know that Pokémon Go, originally an April Fool’s Day prank, ended up making a ton of money? 

We’re talking billions—by 2022, it had raked in over six billion dollars.

Its success came from being super innovative in the world of mobile gaming. Combining a beloved franchise with augmented reality was a brilliant move. 

Augmented reality changed how we play games and set a new standard. 

But it’s not just for gaming—it’s also making waves in industries like fashion. With augmented reality wardrobes, you can try on clothes from the comfort of your home.

The uses for augmented reality are expanding, which means there’s a growing need for developers skilled in this technology. 

You can learn more about immersive creative tech like AR in our course by NFTS and Royal Holloway, or check out our Introduction to Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality course instead.

13. Drone expert/pilot

Drones are becoming increasingly popular and useful every day. By 2025, The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International predicts that there will be at least 100,000 jobs for drone pilots.

Drones can help safely deliver medical supplies, inspect buildings easily, and change how we do deliveries. They’re becoming a common sight in our lives and will only become more common in the next ten years.

As a result, we’ll need drone experts to build, maintain, and, most excitingly, fly these machines. If you’re interested in becoming a drone engineer or pilot, there’s good news: these jobs will be more available across different industries in the near future.

However, it’s essential to understand the challenges and legal rules around drone use. That’s why our courses on drone safety for managers and using drones for security purposes might be helpful for you.

14. Entrepreneur

Remember, society is more entrepreneurial than ever. Thanks to the internet and new technology, regular folks have a better chance than ever to start their own business or small empire. 

And as tech keeps advancing, these opportunities will only grow.

If you’ve got a business idea or dream, now’s the perfect time to learn how to be an entrepreneur and give your idea a shot. 

We offer lots of entrepreneurship guides that might spark your interest, covering everything from starting a food business to building a start-up from the ground up.

Which Jobs Will Not Exist in the Future?

Many jobs we have today won’t be around in the future, especially in retail. 

Amazon has already introduced a groundbreaking store where special technology tracks what you take from the shelves and charges it to your account.

According to Forbes, Amazon is now selling this technology to other retailers too. This is part of a trend where new tech and artificial intelligence will replace many jobs.

But it’s not just customer-facing retail jobs that are at risk. Self-driving vehicles could make jobs like driving trucks and trains disappear.

This is a big concern for governments because it could lead to more unemployment among people with lower skills.

However, the same technology that replaces these jobs will also create many new ones that we can’t even imagine yet. 

While technological advancements will bring exciting new opportunities, they could also widen the gap between rich and poor and cause tensions in society.

Which Educational Routes Should You Consider?

Technology is definitely shaping many of the new jobs coming up, and it’s also making some jobs obsolete. 

So, if you’re thinking about improving your skills, you might want to consider taking online courses or degree programs in computer science and technology.

But if your interests lie elsewhere, don’t worry. Even though creative fields might be competitive, there will always be a need for artistic talent, individual expression, and passionate creators. 

You might just need to work extra hard to find where you fit in.

And remember, careers like teaching, nursing, and patient care will always be super important. 

This article is more about highlighting some of the most in-demand new careers that are popping up because of changes and innovations in society.

Final Thoughts

As we look to the future, it’s clear that technology will continue to shape our job landscape, creating new opportunities while phasing out others. There will be way too many career paths that will take the paths of the best jobs of the future.

While fields like computer science and technology are booming, it’s essential to remember that there’s still room for creativity and passion in various industries. 

Whether you’re interested in tech or other areas, staying adaptable and open to learning will be key to thriving in the evolving job market.

Key Takeaways:

  • Technology is driving many new job opportunities
  • Consider upskilling in computer science or technology-related fields
  • Creativity and passion are still valuable in various industries
  • Fields like teaching, nursing, and patient care remain essential
  • Stay adaptable and open to learning to succeed in the changing job market

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Which job is best for the future?

Some of the best jobs for the future include roles like Data Scientist, AI and ML Engineer, Healthcare Professional, Digital Marketer, Cyber Security Analyst, Human Resources Manager, Full-Stack Developer, Cloud Developer, Project Manager, and Digital Content Creator.

What are the most wanted jobs in the future?

In the future, jobs that revolve around technology, sustainability, and healthcare are expected to be in high demand. Roles like data scientists, AI engineers, renewable energy specialists, and healthcare professionals are likely to be among the most sought after. 

With the rapid advancement of technology and growing concerns about the environment and health, these fields will play crucial roles in shaping the future job market.

Which career is best in 2050?

Predicting the “best” career in 2050 is a tough call, but roles that bridge technology and human needs seem promising. Careers like virtual reality architects, sustainable urban planners, genetic counselors, and AI ethicists might stand out. 

As society grapples with complex challenges, these roles could offer meaningful contributions towards shaping a better future for humanity, blending innovation with social responsibility. Flexibility, adaptability, and a passion for lifelong learning will likely be key qualities for success in any career path.

What career will be in demand in 10 years?

In the coming decade, careers in renewable energy, digital technology, and healthcare are expected to be in high demand. With the urgency to address climate change, renewable energy specialists, such as solar and wind energy technicians, will likely see increased opportunities. 

Apart from this, the rapid advancement of technology will create a demand for roles like cybersecurity experts, data analysts, and software developers. And also, as the population ages and healthcare needs evolve, healthcare professionals, especially nurses, physician assistants, and home health aides, will remain in demand. 

What are the best jobs for the future with salary?

Looking ahead, some of the best careers for the future include roles like software developers, with median salaries ranging from $105,000 to $110,000, data scientists earning around $120,000, and healthcare professionals like physicians or surgeons with median salaries upwards of $200,000. 

These fields promise both financial stability and meaningful work, reflecting the growing importance of technology and healthcare in our society. While salaries vary based on factors like experience and location, these professions are projected to offer competitive compensation as they continue to play critical roles in shaping the future.

What are the best jobs for the future without a degree?

In the future, several promising career paths offer opportunities for success without requiring a traditional degree. Roles such as software developer, where proficiency can often be demonstrated through coding bootcamps or self-study, offer competitive salaries averaging around $105,000. 

Positions like digital marketer or social media manager capitalize on skills honed through experience and creative thinking, with salaries ranging from $50,000 to $70,000. 

Jobs in the skilled trades, such as electricians or plumbers, also provide stable employment and potential for growth, often through apprenticeships or vocational training programs. While formal education can be valuable, these fields emphasize practical skills and experience, offering pathways to fulfilling and lucrative careers.

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