12 Habits of Successful Students You Must Know

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Your formative years as a young adult are during college. You now have a greater sense of independence and accountability in every significant area of your life, which is sometimes stressful and overwhelming.

As a result, it’s critical to establish effective routines that enable you to manage everything and get the most out of the once-in-a-lifetime event. In this post, we’ve gathered a list of routines that all top students swear by in the hopes that they’ll inspire you to modify your own behavior.

We’ve all looked online at some point or another for advice on how to study well, what makes a good student, how to succeed in school, and other related topics. The solution is to create positive habits, which raises the question of why habits are so crucial to success.

We can deduct from this maze of inquiries that habits aid in:

  • Less time deliberating and more time executing little tasks, such as choosing where and what to eat, getting ready for bed, etc.
  • Having more time and room for original thought.
  • Setting critical tasks in order.
  • Replacing motivation at challenging times.

12 habits of successful students

The majority of self-help books stress the value of habits for leading a more disciplined and healthier lifestyle. College students should establish wholesome habits as young adults since they will benefit them all their life.

You’ll find twelve habits for a more rewarding college experience below that were gleaned from the experiences of accomplished students and educational experts. Here are 12 student habits to be successful:

  1. Be organized
  2. Use an agenda to plan
  3. Be an active participant in class
  4. Ask questions
  5. Take notes
  6. Review regularly
  7. Find a study group
  8. Test knowledge
  9. Get good sleep
  10. Remove distractions
  11. Do extra-curricular activities
  12. Be honest

1. Be organized

The capacity to be and maintain organization is the first quality you notice in successful individuals. They design their own systems of organization based on their needs and personalities, something you can start doing right now.

If you want to succeed as a student, you should strive to organize your life in manageable chunks. For example:

  • Getting ready for class by reading the assigned readings.
  • Maintaining a regular sleep routine.
  • Use computer software and programmes for note-taking and planning.
  • Living and learning in a spotless environment.
  • Ensuring that you meet your deadlines in advance.

2. Use an agenda to plan

You need to use an agenda to manage everything since taking many classes over a semester means you have to handle a lot of assignments, quizzes, papers, and midterms. The classic agenda and bullet journaling techniques may be customized, or you can utilize digital planning tools and websites like Notion, Google Calendar, and My Study Life.

To manage your academic and personal obligations, you may also create daily, weekly, and monthly study schedules.

3. Be an active participant in class

The days of lecturing pupils to maintain silence in class are long gone. Professors now encourage involvement and engagement from all students. Participating in class has several advantages, including:

  • Becoming more engaged with the curriculum.
  • Greater retention of the information.
  • Enhancing critical and argumentative thinking.
  • Working with your lecturer, your peers, and both.

4. Ask questions

Although it might be scary to ask questions in front of the class, you should remember that doing so will help the teacher and the entire class in addition to you. The lecturer keeps track of what the entire class understands and what they don’t. You benefit from asking questions because you:

  • Enlarge your knowledge.
  • Clarify the facts.
  • Cultivate connections with instructors.
  • Start the debate.
  • Deeper comprehension of the topic.

5. Take notes

The majority of accomplished students will tell you that taking notes is essential to efficient studying. By taking notes in class, you may better concentrate and connect with the material, learn what is crucial to know, and identify any gaps that need to be filled up during review.

6. Review regularly

Regular revisiting of the subject is crucial for efficient studying because new knowledge tends to vanish rapidly. In accordance with the spaced repetition study approach, you should revisit the content you learned throughout the week on weekends or at certain intervals of 7, 30, 90, and 180 days after you first studied it.

7. Find a study group

Even if you might prefer to study alone, participating in a study group with similar ideals might help you comprehend challenging material and build relationships with your peers.

They may keep you accountable, assist you in meeting deadlines for your coursework, quiz you, work with you on group projects, etc. Last but not least, they make it easier for you to get in touch with others, seek out aid when you’re down, and most significantly, they make you feel at home.

8. Test knowledge

Testing your knowledge before exams—either by yourself or with others—can help you determine what you already know and what gaps you still need to fill. To fully grasp the material, you might take practice exams or quizzes.

9. Get good sleep

Even though it’s sometimes disregarded by students, getting eight hours of sleep each night is essential for a clear head and sharp memories. 

Exam performance often improves for students who have a regular sleep regimen. All-nighters are thus strongly discouraged for students who want to succeed. The above-mentioned healthy routines may be used to create a very workable plan that enables you to obtain the rest you require.

10. Remove distractions

Being in the wrong atmosphere might make learning more challenging because studying is a tough activity. While most individuals find that a quiet, empty environment helps them concentrate better, some people can’t study in complete stillness and instead prefer white noise and busy environments.

Of course, there are still additional distractions you should stay away from by

  • Refusing to check social media.
  • Putting “do not disturb” mode on each of your gadgets.
  • Avoid distractions like TV, video games, and other things that tend to keep you from studying.

11. Do extra-curricular activities

Another behavior that might help you improve in many areas is participating in extracurricular activities. Extracurricular pursuits such as:

  • Baseball, fencing, dance teams, and other forms of leisure help you keep a healthy body and build relationships with people.
  • You may unwind and improve your workmanship by engaging in hobbies, music, and art.
  • You may establish a strong résumé and gain access to several career chances by participating in debate teams and student media teams (magazine, newspapers, radio stations).
  • Science and maths clubs can also assist you in deepening your understanding of the subject and forming relationships with potential coworkers.

The most crucial aspect of extracurricular activities, though, is to enjoy yourself and your time at school.

12. Be honest

Success is not a straight path. It’s challenging to attain and has ups and downs. It is nevertheless something that is still worth pursuing and fighting for.

You should maintain your beliefs and ideals even when it looks like the world is unfair and unkind because diligent workers who are patient and honest often succeed. To become the greatest version of yourself, you should constantly be honest about the things you find challenging and unclear, and work to discover solutions.


We are made up of all the tiniest details, traits, and behaviours that make us who we are. Therefore, it’s critical to establish good habits that support our development and success in the world.

The student experience is close to that. We need habits that will carry us through life as well as our academic obligations. Therefore, it’s never too late to form habits that are compatible with the life you want to live in the future if you want to achieve academically and have a fantastic college experience.

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