How Do You Know What Your Passion Is?

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How many times you have been asked, how do you know what your passion is? Have you ever heard the advice to discover your passion? How many times have people inquired about what really excites you?

Unfortunately, according to a Deloitte study, only 13% of the American workforce can say they’re truly passionate about their jobs.

We’ve all heard the advice to follow our passions in both our professional and personal lives. You know the saying, “Find a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” But let’s face it; it’s not always that simple.

Passion doesn’t just magically appear. Before you can wholeheartedly pursue your passions, you first need to figure out what those passions even are. It often takes a fair amount of time and effort, with many different experiences, to uncover the kind of work that truly ignites your enthusiasm.

So, let’s explore some tips on how you can uncover and nurture your passions, ultimately leading to a more satisfying and fulfilling life.


According to the folks at Merriam Webster, “passion” is all about that strong sense of enthusiasm and excitement, whether it’s for something you adore or an activity you’re just itching to dive into. Passions are those things that you could happily do non-stop, like a die-hard traveler who just can’t get enough of exploring new places.

Now, here’s the twist: sometimes, our passions are tied to what we’d love to do for a living, and sometimes, we just think that’s what we want. Having passion for your work is a bit more specific than merely feeling excited or enthusiastic about something.

Deloitte’s research dives into the concept of “worker passion,” and it’s that special something that fuels us to tackle those tough problems and keeps us going even when things get tough. This type of passion sparks our desire to solve problems, learn quickly, and make a real impact.

But let’s not mix up passions with core values. Each of us has our own set of core values that act as our personal compass, shaping how we perceive our work and the environment around us. These values could be things like discipline, resilience, excellence, or a love for learning.

The extent to which your work and life align with these values often plays a significant role in your career and personal success. But discovering and following your passion? Well, that’s the spark that lights up the whole show.

Here’s the inside scoop from researchers and career experts: there’s a golden thread weaving through the journey of discovering and living your passions and the level of success you’re likely to achieve, both in your professional and personal life.

The fascinating thing about pursuing your passions is that when you engage with something on both an emotional and intellectual level, you’ll find yourself wanting to do more of it. In other words, there’s a direct connection between uncovering and nurturing your passions and experiencing personal growth in your career and overall development.

Now, here’s the catch: it’s not always crystal clear how to turn your beloved hobby or interest into a full-fledged career. Sometimes, it takes a dash of imagination to find those threads of passion that connect what you love with a meaningful profession or vocation.

How Do You Know What Your Passion Is?

Finding your passion is deeply tied to your personal happiness and fulfillment. It’s a key ingredient for leading a satisfying life.

Now, you might be wondering, “How on earth do I go about finding my passion?”

Well, fret not. Let’s take a journey through some step-by-step tips on how to kickstart your passion-finding adventure. Spoiler alert: it’s a journey, so don’t expect instant results.

Unearthing your passions often involves exploring various types of work and different activities. It’s pretty rare to be head over heels passionate about something you know absolutely nothing about.

You’ve got to dive in, gain some knowledge, tackle the problems and challenges that come with it, and slowly but surely, you’ll find yourself falling in love with it. That’s when the desire to work on it every day kicks in.

One important thing to remember is that discovering your passions isn’t a one-time event that unfolds in a single day. Your passions may evolve and shift throughout your entire life, and that’s perfectly okay. Embrace the journey and enjoy the ride!

Here are 10 steps on how do you know what your passion is:

  1. Create a personal vision statement
  2. Determine your values
  3. Find your true north
  4. Make a list of things you love to do
  5. Assess the things you don’t love
  6. Acknowledge your strengths and achievements
  7. Practice journaling
  8. Embrace a mindfulness practice
  9. Seek guidance from a coach
  10. Surround yourself with people with similar passions

1. Create a personal vision statement

A personal vision statement is like your life’s roadmap, encompassing your personal and professional aspirations.

Think of it as your trusty compass, always there to point you in the right direction when you face important decisions. Once you’ve put your personal vision statement into words, it becomes a valuable tool to help you navigate the journey of discovering and pursuing your true passions.

Here are few tips to for creating a personal vision statement:

     Self-Reflection: Start by taking time for deep self-reflection. Think about your values, beliefs, goals, and what truly matters to you.

     Visualize Your Future: Envision where you want to be in the future, both personally and professionally. Imagine your ideal life.

     Set Clear Goals: Define specific, achievable goals that align with your vision. What do you want to accomplish in various aspects of your life?

     Focus on Values: Identify your core values, the principles that guide your actions and decisions. Your vision should reflect these values.

     Be Concise: Keep your statement concise and clear. It should be a brief, memorable summary of your vision.

     Use Inspiring Language: Use positive and inspiring language. Your vision statement should motivate and excite you.

     Think Long-Term: Consider the long-term impact of your vision. How does it align with your lifelong aspirations?

     Include Personal and Professional Aspects: Ensure your statement encompasses both personal and professional dimensions of your life.

     Make It Timeless: Aim for a statement that remains relevant and meaningful throughout your life, even as circumstances change.

     Seek Feedback: Share your draft with trusted friends, family, or mentors for feedback and insights.

     Revise and Refine: Don’t be afraid to revise and refine your vision statement over time as you grow and evolve.

     Connect with Emotion: Your vision should evoke a strong emotional connection, something that truly resonates with you.

     Stay Flexible: While your vision provides direction, remain open to new opportunities and adjustments along the way.

     Display It: Write down your vision statement and keep it somewhere visible, like on your desk or as your phone’s wallpaper, to remind yourself daily.

     Review Regularly: Periodically review and reflect on your vision statement to ensure you’re staying true to your goals and values.

Here are 5 examples of vision statement:

1.  Amazon: Vision: “To be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online.”

2.  Walt Disney: Vision: “To make people happy.”

3.  Tesla: Vision: “To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.”

4.  Oxfam: Vision: “A just world without poverty.”

5.  Google: Vision: “To provide access to the world’s information in one click.”

2. Determine your values

Your personal values are the things that matter most to you and shape how you approach work and life. They’re like the compass guiding your decisions and actions. These values help you set personal goals and decide what’s truly important. They’re like checkpoints that can tell you if your life and career are heading in the direction you desire.

Here are few tips to how to determine your values:

     Self-Reflection: Take time for introspection and think about what truly matters to you in life.

     Identify Core Beliefs: Consider your fundamental beliefs and principles that guide your behavior.

     Prioritize: List the things that are most important to you, both in your personal and professional life.

     Examine Past Experiences: Reflect on past experiences and moments when you felt most fulfilled or proud. What values were at play during those times?

     Look at Role Models: Think about people you admire or consider role models. What qualities or values do they possess that resonate with you?

     Consider Peak Moments: Recall moments in your life when you felt exceptionally happy or fulfilled. What values were being fulfilled at those times?

     Review Choices: Analyze significant decisions you’ve made. What values influenced those choices?

     Question Assumptions: Challenge any assumptions or beliefs that you’ve inherited from others. Are they genuinely your values?

     Seek Feedback: Talk to friends, family, or mentors who know you well. They may offer insights into your values based on their observations.

     Use Values Lists: There are many lists of common values available online. Review these lists and identify the values that resonate with you.

     Narrow Down Your List: Once you’ve gathered a list of potential values, narrow it down to your top 5-10 core values.

     Test Your Values: Put your values to the test by aligning them with your goals and choices. Do they match up? If not, reassess your values.

     Stay Open to Change: Understand that your values can evolve over time as you grow and experience new things.

     Write Them Down: Create a list of your final core values and keep them somewhere visible to serve as a constant reminder.

     Live Your Values: Make an effort to align your daily actions and decisions with your values. This helps ensure a more fulfilling life.

Here are 5 examples of values:

1.  Integrity: Upholding honesty, ethics, and moral principles in all your actions and decisions, even when no one is watching.

2.  Empathy: Showing understanding, compassion, and care for the feelings and perspectives of others.

3.  Resilience: Demonstrating the ability to bounce back from adversity, face challenges with determination, and stay persistent in pursuing goals.

4.  Innovation: Valuing creativity, originality, and the pursuit of new ideas and solutions.

5.  Equality: Promoting fairness, justice, and equal opportunities for all, regardless of background or circumstances.

3. Find your true north

Getting a better grasp of your core values is closely linked to the idea of finding your “true north.” It’s all about uncovering what truly drives you. What kind of impact or goal really tugs at your heartstrings? What leaves you feeling whole and fully engaged, like you’re doing exactly what you were meant to do?

Discovering your true north is like finding your inner compass, your genuine self. It’s where your values, beliefs, and sense of purpose all intersect.

Once you’ve tuned into your true north, you’re on the path to living a more fulfilling life, one that’s fueled by your deepest passions. It’s like aligning your inner self with your outward journey.

Here are few tips to find your true north:

     Self-Reflection: Spend time reflecting on your life, experiences, and what truly matters to you.

     Identify Passions: Explore your interests and hobbies, and determine what activities make you feel most alive.

     Values Assessment: Clarify your core values and principles that guide your decisions and actions.

     Set Meaningful Goals: Define goals that align with your passions and values, both personally and professionally.

     Find Purpose: Consider what gives your life a sense of meaning and fulfillment. What makes you feel purposeful?

     Seek Inspiration: Look to role models or individuals who inspire you and analyze what qualities or actions resonate with you.

     Challenge Assumptions: Question any beliefs or expectations that may be holding you back from pursuing your true passions.

     Step Out of Your Comfort Zone: Be willing to try new things and step out of your comfort zone to discover new interests.

     Learn from Experience: Reflect on past experiences to identify moments when you felt most fulfilled or in alignment with your true self.

     Connect with Others: Engage in meaningful conversations with friends, mentors, or counselors who can provide insights into your true self.

     Meditation and Mindfulness: Practice meditation or mindfulness techniques to connect with your inner self and gain clarity.

     Stay Open to Change: Understand that your true north may evolve over time as you learn and grow.

     Stay Persistent: Finding your true north can be a journey with ups and downs. Stay persistent and patient with yourself.

     Trust Your Instincts: Listen to your intuition and gut feelings. They can often provide valuable guidance.

     Stay Authentic: Be true to yourself and don’t try to conform to others’ expectations or societal pressures.

     Celebrate Progress: Celebrate small wins and moments when you feel more connected to your true north.

Here are 5 examples of finding true north:

1.  Career Change: You might discover your true north by switching to a completely different career that aligns more closely with your passions and values. For instance, transitioning from a corporate job to become a nature conservationist because of your deep love for the environment.

2.  Volunteer Work: Finding your true north can involve volunteering for a cause that deeply resonates with you, such as working with underprivileged children or animals. This can lead to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

3.  Artistic Expression: Your true north could be expressed through art, music, or writing, where you use your creativity to convey your innermost thoughts and emotions, bringing you a profound sense of authenticity.

4.  Travel and Exploration: Some people find their true north by embarking on adventurous journeys, exploring different cultures, and immersing themselves in the beauty of the world. This can be a way to connect with a sense of wonder and discovery.

5.  Starting a Business: Starting your own business that aligns with your passions and values can be a powerful way to find your true north. For example, founding a sustainable fashion brand because you’re passionate about ethical clothing practices and environmental sustainability.

4. Make a list of things you love to do

As the wise Socrates once advised, “Know thyself.” What he meant was that it’s crucial for us to understand ourselves before we can truly understand anything else.

To embark on this journey of self-discovery, start by making a list of the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Self-awareness is a crucial milestone on your path to uncovering your passions. It’s like shining a light on the essence of who you are.

Here are few tips to create a list of things you love to do:

     Reflect on Childhood: Think about activities you enjoyed as a child, as they often reveal your inherent interests and passions.

     Current Interests: List hobbies or activities you currently enjoy. What do you find yourself doing in your free time?

     Favorite Memories: Recall special moments or experiences that stand out in your life. What were you doing when you felt the happiest?

     Explore New Interests: Be open to trying new things and add any new interests or activities that excite you.

     Passions vs. Obligations: Differentiate between activities you genuinely love and those you feel obligated to do.

     Work and Play: Consider both professional and personal interests. What aspects of your work or job do you enjoy most?

     Ask for Feedback: Seek input from friends and family. They might notice your enthusiasm for certain activities that you overlook.

     Journaling: Keep a journal to record moments when you feel most alive or engaged. What were you doing at those times?

     Review Your List: Periodically revisit and update your list as your interests and passions evolve.

     Prioritize: Once you have a list, try to prioritize or rank the activities based on how much joy and fulfillment they bring you.

     Experiment and Explore: Actively engage in the activities on your list to gain a deeper understanding of your true passions.

     Consider Long-Term Goals: Think about how your interests align with your long-term goals and aspirations.

     Cultivate Curiosity: Cultivate a curious mindset and be open to discovering new things you might love.

Here are 5 examples of list of things you love to do:

1.  Outdoor Adventures:

  • Hiking in the mountains
  • Camping under the stars
  • Kayaking in serene lakes
  • Exploring national parks
  • Going on long nature walks

2.  Creative Pursuits:

  • Painting and sketching
  • Writing poetry and short stories
  • Playing a musical instrument
  • Crafting handmade jewelry
  • Photography and capturing moments

3.  Culinary Delights:

  • Cooking and trying new recipes
  • Baking homemade bread and pastries
  • Exploring international cuisine
  • Hosting dinner parties for friends
  • Visiting local farmers’ markets

4.  Physical Activities:

  • Running and participating in marathons
  • Practicing yoga and meditation
  • Playing team sports like soccer or basketball
  • Dancing to various music genres
  • Training for fitness competitions

5.  Intellectual Pursuits:

  • Reading classic novels
  • Attending lectures and workshops
  • Solving challenging puzzles and crosswords
  • Learning a new language
  • Engaging in philosophical discussions

5. Assess the things you don’t love

Recognizing the things you adore and enjoy doing is crucial. Equally important, though, is acknowledging the things you don’t love.

Understanding what you don’t love can be just as enlightening. It helps paint a clearer picture of your true self and what truly defines you.

Here are few tips to assess the things you don’t love:

     Pay Attention to Your Emotions: Take note of how you feel when you engage in certain activities or situations. Do you feel bored, frustrated, or unhappy? These emotions can be clues that you don’t love what you’re doing.

     Reflect on Past Experiences: Think about past experiences that you found unfulfilling or dissatisfying. What were the common elements or factors that made those experiences unenjoyable?

     Consider Your Energy Levels: Pay attention to how your energy levels are affected by different activities. If something drains your energy or leaves you feeling exhausted, it may not be something you love.

     Compare with What You Love: Contrast the activities or aspects of your life that you don’t love with those you genuinely enjoy. This comparison can highlight the differences and provide insights into your preferences.

     Seek Feedback: Sometimes, others can offer valuable perspectives. Ask friends or family if they’ve noticed times when you seemed disinterested or unhappy.

     Journal Your Thoughts: Keep a journal to record your thoughts and feelings about your daily experiences. This can help you identify recurring patterns of what you don’t enjoy.

     Experiment and Explore: Be willing to try new things to discover what you don’t love. Sometimes, it takes experimentation to clarify your preferences.

     Prioritize Self-Care: If you find that you consistently don’t love aspects of your daily routine, consider incorporating more self-care practices and activities that bring you joy.

     Question Obligations: Evaluate if you’re doing certain things out of obligation rather than genuine interest. It’s essential to distinguish between what you truly want to do and what you feel you should do.

     Consider Your Goals: Think about your long-term goals and aspirations. Are the things you don’t love aligned with these goals, or are they holding you back?

Here are 5 examples of assessing the things you don’t love:

1.  Career Evaluation:

  • Reflecting on your current job and realizing that the daily tasks and responsibilities don’t align with your interests or passion for the industry.

2.  Relationship Reflection:

  • Recognizing that a particular relationship, whether romantic or platonic, consistently leaves you feeling drained or unfulfilled due to differences in values or interests.

3.  Hobby Reconsideration:

  • Evaluating a hobby or activity you’ve been pursuing and realizing that it no longer brings you joy or satisfaction, leading you to consider exploring new interests.

4.  Routine Assessment:

  • Examining your daily routine and identifying activities that feel like chores or obligations, causing you to reevaluate how you spend your time.

5.  Volunteer or Commitment Reflection:

  • Participating in a volunteer role or commitment and realizing that it’s become more of a burden than a source of fulfillment, prompting you to consider reallocating your time and efforts elsewhere.

6. Acknowledge your strengths and achievements

In the journey to uncover your true self, it’s essential to recognize your strengths and accomplishments.

Many times, our most significant strengths are the things that just flow naturally from within us. Once you grasp this, you’ll discover even more motivation to aim high and achieve greater things. It’s like tapping into your own well of potential.

Here are few tips on how to acknowledge your strengths and achievements:

     Self-Reflection: Take time to reflect on your life journey. Consider the challenges you’ve overcome and the accomplishments you’ve achieved, both big and small.

     Keep a Journal: Maintain a journal where you record your achievements and the strengths you’ve demonstrated. This creates a tangible record of your progress.

     Seek Feedback: Ask friends, family, mentors, or colleagues for their perspective on your strengths and achievements. Sometimes, others see things in us that we might overlook.

     Celebrate Milestones: Celebrate your achievements, whether it’s finishing a project, reaching a personal goal, or mastering a skill. Acknowledge your hard work and dedication.

     Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths and past successes when you encounter self-doubt.

     Set Goals: Establish clear goals for yourself, both short-term and long-term. When you achieve these goals, you’ll naturally acknowledge your capabilities.

     Review Your Resume: Take a look at your resume or CV. It often highlights your accomplishments and skills, serving as a reminder of your strengths.

     Visualize Success: Practice visualization techniques where you imagine yourself succeeding and achieving your goals. This can boost your confidence in your abilities.

     Ask for Performance Reviews: If applicable, request performance reviews at work. Constructive feedback can help you recognize your strengths and areas for improvement.

     Learn from Failures: Don’t forget to acknowledge the strengths you’ve developed through failures and setbacks. These experiences often shape us and reveal our resilience.

     Compare Past and Present: Compare your past self to your present self. Notice how you’ve grown, learned, and developed over time.

     Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Surround yourself with friends and mentors who appreciate and encourage your strengths and achievements.

     Practice Gratitude: Develop a gratitude practice by regularly expressing thanks for the opportunities and successes in your life.

Here are 5 examples of strengths and achievements:

1.  Leadership Skills:

  • Achievement: Successfully led a team of 15 people to exceed quarterly sales targets by 20%.
  • Strength: Strong leadership abilities, including the ability to inspire and guide a team toward shared goals.

2.  Communication Skills:

  • Achievement: Presented a research paper at a national conference, receiving positive feedback and sparking discussions.
  • Strength: Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to convey complex ideas effectively.

3.  Adaptability:

  • Achievement: Successfully transitioned to a remote work environment during a company-wide shift, maintaining productivity and collaboration.
  • Strength: Exceptional adaptability and the capacity to thrive in changing circumstances.

4.  Community Involvement:

  • Achievement: Volunteered 500 hours at a local animal shelter, significantly contributing to pet adoptions and care.
  • Strength: Strong sense of community and a commitment to making a positive impact on others’ lives.

5.  Problem-Solving:

  • Achievement: Developed and implemented a cost-saving initiative that reduced operational expenses by 15%.
  • Strength: Strong problem-solving skills, including the ability to identify challenges and devise effective solutions.

7. Practice journaling

At first glance, you might think journaling has little to do with discovering and living our passions. But in reality, it’s a valuable tool for tracking our journey and personal growth.

When we put pen to paper in a journal, it’s like having our private space to explore what truly ignites our enthusiasm. It allows us to uncover our passions without external judgments or any limitations imposed by others. It’s a personal canvas where we can paint our authentic selves.

Here are few tips to practice journaling:

     Set a Regular Time: Choose a specific time of day that works best for you, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or before bed, and stick to it consistently.

     Create a Relaxing Environment: Find a quiet and comfortable place to write where you won’t be easily distracted.

     Start with a Purpose: Begin each journaling session with a clear intention or question in mind, such as “What am I grateful for today?” or “What excites me about the day ahead?”

     Freewriting: Don’t worry about grammar or structure. Just let your thoughts flow freely onto the page. Write whatever comes to mind without censoring yourself.

     Use Prompts: If you’re unsure where to start, consider using prompts or questions to spark your writing. There are many journaling prompt books and websites available.

     Reflect on Your Day: Review your day and jot down your experiences, thoughts, and emotions. This can help you gain clarity and process your feelings.

     Express Gratitude: Dedicate a portion of your journal to expressing gratitude by listing things you’re thankful for. It can boost your mood and perspective.

     Document Goals and Progress: Write down your goals, both short-term and long-term, and track your progress towards achieving them.

     Record Achievements: Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Acknowledging your wins can boost motivation and self-esteem.

     Vent Emotions: Journaling can be a safe space to vent frustrations, fears, and anxieties. It can be therapeutic and help you gain perspective.

     Reflect on Challenges: Explore challenges you’ve faced and reflect on what you’ve learned from them. This can promote personal growth.

     Add Creativity: Incorporate creativity into your journal with sketches, doodles, or collages if that appeals to you. It can make the process more enjoyable.

     Revisit and Reflect: Periodically review your past journal entries to reflect on your progress, insights, and changes over time.

     Stay Consistent: Even on days when you don’t feel like writing, try to jot down a few sentences. Consistency is more important than quantity.

     Keep an Open Mind: Be open to unexpected insights and discoveries that may emerge during your journaling sessions.

Here are 5 examples to practice journaling:

1.  Gratitude Journal:

  • Write down three things you’re grateful for every day. Reflecting on the positive aspects of your life can boost your mood and overall well-being.

2.  Goal Journal:

  • Document your short-term and long-term goals. Break them down into smaller, actionable steps, and track your progress regularly.

3.  Emotional Journal:

  • Use your journal as a safe space to express and explore your emotions. Write about your daily experiences and how they made you feel.

4.  Travel Journal:

  • Capture your travel adventures by describing the places you visit, the people you meet, and the emotions you experience along the way. Include sketches or photos for added detail.

5.  Dream Journal:

  • Keep a journal by your bedside to record your dreams immediately upon waking. Over time, you may discover recurring themes or symbols that offer insight into your subconscious.

8. Embrace a mindfulness practice

Mindfulness is all about fully embracing the present moment. It’s about being in tune with your well-being and fully aware of every sensation and experience, all without any judgment, excessive thinking, or trying to analyze everything.

The beauty of mindfulness is that it reminds us that deep down, we already know what our passions are. Sometimes, we just need a way to connect consciously with that inner knowledge.

Engaging in a mindfulness practice is like turning up the volume on our inner guidance. It’s often the most effective way to let our true feelings and desires come to the forefront of our conscious minds. It’s like giving our inner compass the attention it deserves.

Here are few tips to embrace a mindfulness practice:

     Start Small: Begin with short sessions, even just a few minutes a day. As you become more comfortable, gradually extend the duration.

     Choose a Quiet Space: Find a quiet and comfortable place where you won’t be easily disturbed.

     Focus on Your Breath: Pay attention to your breath as it goes in and out. This is a simple and effective way to anchor your mindfulness practice.

     Body Scan: Scan your body from head to toe, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. Breathe into these areas to release tension.

     Observe Your Thoughts: Don’t try to stop thoughts from arising; instead, observe them without judgment. Let them come and go like passing clouds.

     Use Guided Meditations: Consider using guided meditation apps or recordings to help you get started. They can provide structure and guidance.

     Mindful Eating: Practice eating mindfully, paying full attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of your food. Chew slowly and savor each bite.

     Walking Meditation: Take mindful walks where you focus on each step and your surroundings. It’s a great way to practice mindfulness while moving.

     Set Reminders: Use alarms or notifications to remind yourself to pause and be mindful throughout the day.

     Stay Consistent: Consistency is key. Try to incorporate mindfulness into your daily routine, whether it’s in the morning, during breaks, or before bed.

     Mindful Breathing Breaks: Take short mindfulness breaks during the day by focusing on your breath for a minute or two. It can help reduce stress and improve focus.

     Practice Gratitude: Reflect on the things you’re grateful for each day. This can enhance your sense of well-being and positivity.

     Mindful Listening: Practice active listening when engaging in conversations. Give your full attention to the speaker without planning your response.

     Journaling: Combine mindfulness with journaling to reflect on your thoughts and emotions. It can provide valuable insights.

     Join a Group: Consider joining a mindfulness group or class for support and guidance from experienced practitioners.

Here are 5 examples of embracing a mindfulness practice:

1.  Morning Meditation: Start your day with a brief meditation session. Sit in a quiet space, focus on your breath, and set a positive intention for the day ahead. This helps you begin your day with clarity and calmness.

2.  Mindful Eating: During meals, practice mindful eating by savoring each bite, paying attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations. Avoid distractions like screens and focus solely on your meal.

3.  Nature Walks: Take mindful walks in nature. As you stroll, immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and smells of the natural world. This can be a refreshing way to connect with the present moment.

4.  Breathing Breaks: Throughout the day, take short breathing breaks. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and center yourself. It’s a quick way to reduce stress and regain focus.

5.  Bedtime Reflection: Before sleep, engage in a mindful reflection. Review your day, express gratitude for the positive moments, and let go of any worries or tensions. This can lead to a more restful night’s sleep.

9. Seek guidance from a coach

When you’re on the quest to discover your passion, having a coach by your side can make a world of difference.

Take, for instance, a career coach. These experts are skilled in guiding people to uncover their true passions, both in their personal lives and their work.

They can assist you in shedding the weight of external expectations and help you navigate the journey from the inside out. It’s like having a trusted compass on your adventure of self-discovery.

Here are few tips to seeking guidance from a coach:

     Define Your Goals: Before seeking a coach, clarify what you want to achieve or improve in your life. Having specific goals will help you find the right coach for your needs.

     Research Coaches: Look for coaches who specialize in the area you need guidance in, whether it’s career, personal development, relationships, or another field.

     Check Qualifications: Ensure the coach has the necessary qualifications, certifications, and relevant experience in their field of expertise.

     Interview Potential Coaches: Schedule initial consultations or interviews with potential coaches to assess their compatibility with your goals and values.

     Ask for References: Request references or testimonials from previous clients to gauge the coach’s effectiveness and reputation.

     Discuss Expectations: Have a clear conversation with the coach about your expectations, preferred coaching style, and the frequency and format of sessions.

     Establish Trust: Build a trusting and open relationship with your coach. Honesty and vulnerability are key to the coaching process.

     Set Realistic Goals: Work with your coach to set achievable and realistic goals. These should be challenging but attainable.

     Act on Guidance: Be willing to take action on the guidance and insights provided by your coach. Commitment and follow-through are essential.

     Communicate Freely: Maintain open and honest communication with your coach. Share your progress, challenges, and any concerns you may have.

     Assess Progress: Regularly evaluate your progress and reassess your goals with your coach. Adjust your strategy as needed.

     Be Patient: Understand that personal growth and change take time. Be patient with yourself and the process.

     Seek Accountability: If accountability is a goal, work with your coach to establish a system for tracking and reporting your progress.

     Evaluate the Relationship: Periodically assess the coaching relationship to ensure it continues to meet your needs and expectations.

     Feedback: Provide feedback to your coach about what is working well and where adjustments are needed. A good coach values your input.

Here are 5 examples of seeking guidance from a coach:

1.  Career Coaching:

  • Engaging a career coach to help you identify your passion and align it with your career goals. They can provide guidance on job searches, interview techniques, and professional development.

2.  Life Coaching:

  • Seeking a life coach to provide overall guidance and support in various areas of your life, such as personal growth, relationships, and achieving work-life balance.

3.  Health and Wellness Coaching:

  • Consulting a health and wellness coach to create a customized plan for improving your physical and mental well-being, including exercise, nutrition, stress management, and mindfulness.

4.  Business Coaching:

  • Hiring a business coach to assist you in launching or growing your own business. They can provide guidance on strategy, marketing, leadership, and problem-solving.

5.  Performance Coaching:

  • Enlisting the help of a performance coach in sports, arts, or any competitive field to enhance your skills, develop a winning mindset, and achieve peak performance.

10. Surround yourself with people with similar passions

Here’s the key to building a circle of like-minded individuals who share your passions: Understand what makes you feel inspired, confident, and comfortable. When you find these qualities in someone else, you’ve likely found a kindred spirit who shares your passions. It’s like recognizing a familiar spark in someone else’s eyes.

Here are few tips to how to surround yourself with people with similar passions:

     Identify Your Passions: First, know what you’re truly passionate about. This self-awareness is crucial to finding like-minded individuals.

     Join Relevant Communities: Seek out clubs, organizations, forums, or social media groups related to your passions. These communities are often full of people who share their interests.

     Attend Events and Workshops: Participate in events, workshops, seminars, or conventions focused on your passions. These gatherings are great places to meet enthusiasts.

     Take Classes: Enroll in classes or courses related to your interests. You’ll likely encounter fellow learners who are passionate about the subject.

     Network Online: Use platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, or specialized forums to connect with people who share your passions. Engage in conversations and discussions.

     Volunteer: Offer your time as a volunteer for causes or events aligned with your interests. This is an excellent way to meet people who care about the same things.

     Start a Project or Group: If there isn’t an existing community, consider starting your own club, group, or project related to your passions. This can attract like-minded individuals.

     Attend Meetups: Look for local meetup groups or online communities that organize gatherings for people with similar interests.

     Seek Recommendations: Ask friends or acquaintances who share your passions to introduce you to others who might have similar interests.

     Be Open and Approachable: Approach social situations with an open and friendly attitude. Smile, make eye contact, and be receptive to conversations.

     Share Your Passion: When you’re passionate about something, it’s infectious. Share your enthusiasm, and others with similar interests will be drawn to your energy.

     Learn from Others: Be curious and willing to learn from others who are passionate about the same subject. You’ll deepen your connections by being open to different perspectives.

     Online Networking Events: Participate in virtual networking events, webinars, and online conferences related to your passions.

     Use Technology: Utilize apps and platforms designed to connect people with similar interests, such as Meetup, Facebook Groups, or specialty forums.

     Be Patient: Building a network of like-minded individuals takes time. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to connect with people who share your passions.

Here are 5 examples of surrounding yourself with people with similar passions:

1.  Join a Hobby Group:

  • If you’re passionate about a specific hobby like painting, hiking, or photography, join a local hobby group or club that meets regularly to engage in these activities. You’ll meet like-minded enthusiasts who share your passion.

2.  Attend Industry Conferences:

  • If you’re passionate about your career or a particular industry, attend conferences and conventions related to your field. These events provide opportunities to network with professionals who share your interests.

3.  Online Forums and Communities:

  • Join online forums, social media groups, or specialized communities that revolve around your passions. Engage in discussions, share experiences, and connect with individuals who have similar interests from around the world.

4.  Take Classes or Workshops:

  • Enroll in classes, workshops, or courses related to your passions. Whether it’s cooking classes, dance workshops, or writing courses, you’ll meet people who are passionate about learning and improving in the same areas.

5.  Volunteer for a Cause:

  • If you’re passionate about a particular cause or social issue, volunteer with organizations or nonprofits that support that cause. This not only allows you to make a positive impact but also connects you with individuals who are equally passionate about the cause.

Passions versus hobbies — What’s the difference?

A hobby is something you do because it brings you joy and relaxation during your leisure time. On the other hand, a passion is something deeply ingrained within you, a driving force that never seems to fade. It’s an irresistible calling, something you’re compelled to pursue even without external rewards like money or recognition.

Some people find their passion in their profession, like being a doctor. For others, it lies in academic areas such as political history. And for some, it’s found in specific activities or processes, like sculpting or coding.

But it’s essential to remember that a new hobby or skill can eventually evolve into a passion.

Let’s explore a few examples to distinguish between passions and hobbies:

  • Passion: Devoting your time to volunteer work focused on saving sea turtles.
  • Hobby: Maintaining a marine tank at home for the sheer pleasure of its aesthetic appeal.
  • Passion: Exercising to maintain peak physical condition because it’s an integral part of your life.
  • Hobby: Hitting the gym occasionally with a friend in your spare time for fun.
  • Passion: Channeling your creativity into perfecting the art of jewelry-making, driven by an innate desire to create.
  • Hobby: Collecting rare and beautiful pieces of jewelry as a delightful pastime.

Remember, there’s no rule against having and enjoying hobbies. Hobbies offer a wonderful outlet for creativity and a space where our minds can roam freely while we refresh our emotional and physical well-being.

The power of Inner Work

Inner Work is a profound journey into your own psyche and spirituality, where you dive deep within yourself. It’s a practice aimed at gaining self-awareness, nurturing spiritual growth, and even finding emotional healing.

In simple terms, Inner Work is like getting to know the landscape of your inner world. It’s about discovering your personal compass for navigating your future. Instead of being swayed by external influences, 

Inner Work encourages you to turn inward. This introspection helps you uncover new opportunities that align with your passions and aspirations.

Inner Work can take various forms, whether it’s through journaling, deep reading, or quiet contemplation. Ultimately, it’s about dedicating time and effort to explore and understand your inner experiences. The goal? To attain greater clarity, purpose, and a deeper connection to your passions in life.

I’ve found my passion – now what?

But what’s the next step once you’ve uncovered your passion? Now that you’ve identified what truly excites you, where do you go from here?

Discovering your passion is just the beginning; the real magic happens when you take action. It’s about staying in touch with your passions and using this understanding to shape a joyful and fulfilling life. In other words, it’s time to turn that newfound passion into a meaningful journey forward.

From a professional point of view, consider the following:

Now that you’ve pinpointed your passion, it’s time to seize the opportunities that come your way. With this newfound clarity, you’ll be better equipped to recognize these opportunities and transform them into something valuable.

However, it’s important to be practical too. Not every passion can easily translate into a satisfying career, whether financially or personally. So, it’s wise to conduct a feasibility check before fully committing to making a living from your greatest loves and interests.

Look for the essential aspects of your passion, like problem-solving or the thrill of unraveling mysteries, that can align with work opportunities. Alternatively, explore the possibility of finding new passions within your current job or field.

If you’re contemplating leaving your current job to pursue your passion, it’s crucial to do it thoughtfully. This involves envisioning what you truly desire from your dream job, comparing it with your current situation, devising a solid plan, and building the necessary bridge to bridge the gap.

Lastly, consider seeking guidance from a coach. Recognize that there are individuals with valuable expertise in the field you’re passionate about. Seeking support and insights from a career coach can be instrumental in turning your passions into a fulfilling and successful career journey.

And for personal passions, keep in mind the following:

Turn your passion into a daily practice. Now that you’ve uncovered what truly lights you up, weave it into your everyday routine. It’s a natural fit because you’ll naturally want to spend your time indulging in what brings you joy. Building good habits around your passion has the incredible power to enhance your life.

To make this happen, embrace time management. Recognize that following your passion goes beyond just filling idle hours; it’s about intentionally carving out time for what you love.

Utilize time management strategies like time blocking to ensure you allocate dedicated moments for your passions. This way, your cherished pursuits become a meaningful part of your daily life.

Find your passions for a fulfilling life

In the end, the key to finding your passion and leading a satisfying life boils down to one simple principle: Knowing what you truly love and having the courage to pursue it.

It’s worth the investment of time and energy to explore your passions fully. And once you’ve uncovered them, it’s about stretching beyond your comfort zone and taking meaningful steps to bring your newfound knowledge to life.

Discovering your passion is a deeply personal journey. It involves self-reflection, exploration, and a willingness to embrace what truly excites and fulfills you. 

Whether through introspection, trying new experiences, or seeking guidance, the path to knowing your passion ultimately leads to a more purposeful and enriching life. Remember, it’s a journey worth taking, as your passion holds the key to a fulfilling and joyful existence.

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