Java Developer Skills – 55 Must Have Skills To Become A Java Developer

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A great Java developer is at the heart of every great Java application. With the abilities and preparing to make hearty and excellent applications, Java engineers are sought after. There are certain Java developer skills that you will need to succeed, whether you are an experienced professional considering switching to Java or a beginner looking to enter this field.

The majority of programmers use Java, a fundamental coding language that is widely accepted and accepted. Indeed, even with rivalry from new dialects, the interest for Java developers stays solid.

Because it is a technology that is always changing to meet new needs, it is important to have technical skills and abilities that help you keep a professional attitude and work ethic. In this article, we make sense of the top abilities Java developers need to prevail inside the data innovation (IT) industry and proposition tips to fortify these capacities.

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Who is a Java developer?

A Java Designer is a PC Programming Developer who utilizes the Java Programming Language in the improvement of PC applications, web improvement, and other client and server-side necessities.

The creation, development, and upkeep of Java-based programs are the responsibility of a Java Developer. Day-to-day responsibilities can include owning a specific program or working on multiple programs simultaneously due to the widespread use of Java, particularly by large businesses.

You will most likely be a part of an organization’s IT team as a Java developer. You may have a single IT team or several smaller IT teams working on specific projects, depending on how your company is set up. In Spry settings, the subsequent strategy is regularly utilized.

Why are Java skills important?

Because Java is the most widely used coding language, having it is essential for web developers. Despite the fact that Java has undergone numerous revisions in response to advancements in computer programming technology, it remains the foundation upon which the majority of developers build software systems with multiple functions.

Java is still an essential tool for web developers to use when writing the code for digital programs, despite the introduction of new programming languages into the world of information technology.

What are the skills of a Java developer?

Java developers are liable for making program design for Java-based applications. They write Java code, look at it, manage it, and test it. Before they can program a software system that works, they work with a team of developers and may need to work with clients to figure out what the application needs. After completing their coding, Java developers deploy their product to guarantee that a customer’s application runs as intended.

25 must have Java developer skills

If you want to be a competitive candidate in the information technology industry, the top Java developer skills you need are:

  1. Java systems (including updates)
  2. Core Java skills
  3. Java build tools
  4. Java EE components
  5. Java testing tools
  6. Big data
  7. Machine learning/artificial intelligence
  8. Java Virtual Machine
  9. Application containers
  10. GitHub
  11. Web technologies
  12. SOLID principles
  13. Spring framework
  14. Android/Kotlin
  15. DevOps tools
  16. Advanced JavaScript frameworks
  17. Blockchain
  18. Teamwork
  19. Adaptability
  20. Organization
  21. Time management
  22. Communication
  23. Problem-solving
  24. Creativity
  25. Attention to detail

Hard skills:

To succeed in the workplace, Java developers need strong technological skills. The most important technical skills a Java developer uses to do their job are as follows:

  1. Java systems (including updates)
  2. Core Java skills
  3. Java build tools
  4. Java EE components
  5. Java testing tools
  6. Big data
  7. Machine learning/artificial intelligence
  8. Java Virtual Machine
  9. Application containers
  10. GitHub
  11. Web technologies
  12. SOLID principles
  13. Spring framework
  14. Android/Kotlin
  15. DevOps tools
  16. Advanced JavaScript frameworks
  17. Blockchain

Soft skills:

Despite the fact that Java developers work in a highly technical environment, they still need to practice skills related to their own personal disciplines. The following are a few important soft skills that Java developers need to use at work:

  1. Teamwork
  2. Adaptability
  3. Organization
  4. Time management
  5. Communication
  6. Problem-solving
  7. Creativity
  8. Attention to detail

1. Java systems (including updates)

Every few years, Java has updated its systems since its inception around 2000. Since then, updates have continued to be released approximately every six months. Developers should be familiar with the system since Java 8, and they should also be familiar with the most recent updates.

2. Core Java skills

Basic Java skills like these are required to work as a Java developer:

  • Object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Design pattern abilities
  • Abstract classes
  • Serialization

Object-oriented programming (OOP):

This fundamental Java skill is used to combine objects to improve a code’s stability and safety. Object-oriented programming has a number of advantages over procedural programming:

  • OOP is a more proficient and direct technique for programming.
  • Because of OOP, the programs have a clear structure.
  • By keeping Java code DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), OOP makes it simpler to update, modify, and debug the code.
  • OOP permits engineers to develop completely reusable applications with less code and quicker than expected.

Through the use of classes and objects, the Object-Oriented Programming approach introduces the concepts of inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism. To improve code stability and security, OOP aims to connect data and functions. You should be completely clear with these ideas as they are the premise of the Java programming language.

Design pattern abilities:

A software development module’s design patterns are coding blueprints that aid in resolving issues.

Abstract classes:

In OOP, abstraction is used to make coding easier. A Java interface is also used by developers for complex coding.


Items are transformed into byte streams by this Java process, which then transport them between Java virtual machines.

3. Java build tools

Java build tools are used by developers to automate applications based on source code. To finish projects, they can choose from a variety of Java tools. A few examples of Java build tools developers use are:

  • Apache
  • Sonatype
  • Gradle
  • Bazel
  • Nexus
  • CMake

4. Java EE components

Designers need to know how to form server-side applications utilizing the innovation of EE parts, for example, Java Beans, Java Server Pages and Servlets.

5. Java testing tools

Testing instruments like TestNG and Selenium permit Java developers to manage many testing processes. Without using a web browser to launch the application, a Java developer must be able to test their programming through a separate database.

6. Big data

Programming stacks for the enormous amounts of data stored in cloud-based platforms is done by developers using Java coding. Spark and Hadoop are two big data platforms that Java programmers should be familiar with.

7. Machine learning/artificial intelligence

Both of these technologies can be used by a Java developer to process a lot of data.

8. Java Virtual Machine

This abstract machine is used by Java programmers to load, run, and check code, as well as to create a runtime environment.

9. Application containers

Application containers are used by programmers to run software components. These projects cover many capabilities, from signing into a data set to validating a client. Application containers like JBoss or Jetty are used by most professionals in the industry.

10. GitHub

Java engineers utilize this code rendition control to follow changes in their work including coding contents, information and remarks.

I had included it on my list of things every programmer should know because it is one of the fundamental skills for all programmers, not just Java programmers. Git and Github are now used in every codebase, regardless of whether it is an open-source or closed base. These Git commands and key Git concepts like push, pull, merge, branch, commit, and rebase are absolutely necessary for survival.

11. Web technologies

An engineer ought to comprehend how to utilize web innovation to convey from one PC framework to others utilizing a markup language like CSS, HTML or JQuery.

12. SOLID principles

SOLID stands for the object-oriented programming principles that aim to improve maintenance and quality. These are the basic principles of SOLID:

  • Single responsibility
  • Open-closed
  • Liskov substitution
  • Interface segregation
  • Dependency inversion

Single responsibility:

To avoid problems in a program that are interconnected, developers should assign a class to a single item.


Modifications should not be allowed in functions, classes, or modules.

Liskov substitution:

Developers should follow this principle and use subclasses instead of related super classes.

Interface segregation:

To avoid having irrelevant interfaces in a programming design, developers should create interfaces that are specific to a single client.

Dependency inversion:

Dependency objects in Java are created as abstractions rather than as distinct items when this principle is followed. The fact that high-level modules are not made to depend on low-level modules is another aspect of this principle.

13. Spring framework

The Spring structure is a way to fabricate Java applications that numerous engineers like because of its improved on cycles and unrivaled capacities for object infusion. This framework is utilized by Java developers of all levels.

14. Android/Kotlin

Kotlin, a rewritten version of Java, is frequently utilized by Java programmers when developing Android mobile applications. Because Kotlin is quickly becoming the industry standard, developers should be familiar with this coding language.

15. DevOps tools

Continuous integration and deployment are essential DevOps processes for Java developers. For developers looking to advance their careers, the following DevOps tools are also essential:

  • Jenkins
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • Chef
  • Maven

CI (Jenkins, Bamboo, GitLab, etc.):

Jenkins, in my opinion, is another essential skill for today’s Java developer, along with Maven. The majority of businesses now employ both continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD). Both have significantly improved software development quality and procedure. The coming of DevOps has additionally powered the reception of Jenkins, and that is the reason I accept each Java designer ought to learn Jenkins.

The most important Java tool I’ve ever learned is Maven. I know how difficult it was to assemble and manage Java application dependencies because I was brought up using ANT and Batch script before Maven. Maven not only solved the issue of managing dependencies, but it also gave Java projects a standard structure, which made it much easier for new developers to learn.


Docker has been an important part of DevOps’ rapid change in software development and delivery. The environment specifics necessary to run your code, such as installing Java, setting PATH, putting libraries, and so on, are abstracted away by the container known as Docker.

Because Docker makes it simple to replicate the environment without having to set up servers, it is very useful during the process of developing and deploying software. Every Java developer should learn Docker to experiment with new things and add this useful skill to their resume.


In 2023, as more and more businesses use Kubernetes to cloud-deploy Java applications, this is yet another important tool that every Java developer should be familiar with. If you’re wondering why you should deploy a Java app using Kubernetes (also known as K8), the main reason is scalability and the ability to automatically restart the Java app when it goes down.

While businesses use Azure and AWS for cloud platforms, Kubernetes is shared by both. I highly recommend Java developers learn Kubernetes in 2023 because this is also one of the emerging skills in the job description. If you want to become a DevOps Engineer in the near future, this is also a crucial skill.


You won’t believe that Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Platform has overtaken Google Cloud Platform to become a major player in both the public and private cloud industries, with a greater emphasis on the private cloud.

In addition to providing a tailored and cutting-edge solution with the choice of private or hybrid cloud, the Azure cloud is being chosen by an increasing number of businesses for the purpose of hosting their on-premise applications. As a result, both the number of Azure certification candidates and the demand for Azure experts are on the rise.

If you also want to learn Azure in 2023, I recommend that you begin studying for the Azure Fundamentals exam. This is one of the first exams you should take to get started with Azure and a great way to learn everything about it from the ground up. I really gained some useful knowledge while planning for this test.

16. Advanced JavaScript frameworks

For front-end development, Java programmers should know how to use advanced frameworks like Vue or React.

17. Blockchain

This innovation assists engineers with making frameworks with greater security to forestall an external break. All digital transactions on a computer network are recorded by a blockchain.

18. Teamwork

When completing projects, Java developers frequently collaborate with software developers and web designers. In order to complete complex tasks for clients using the Java coding language, they need to work together as a team. Senior developers might also be in charge of leading team projects and writing manuals and scripts for other staff developers.

19. Adaptability

Since Java and other coding dialects are reliably refreshed, Java engineers should be versatile and prepared to reconsider their work strategies.

20. Organization

Programming software architecture requires the organization of numerous Java applications and functions by Java developers.

21. Time management

From the beginning to the end of a project, a Java developer must estimate how long it will take to program. A developer must be able to meet a reasonable deadline once it has been established.

22. Communication

To finish big programming projects, Java developers communicate with other developers. Additionally, they use the Java programming language to communicate with a machine, making communication one of their most essential skills.

23. Problem-solving

Programming software in Java frequently results in system errors, necessitating problem-solving skills throughout a project.

24. Creativity

One-way Java developers use Java applications to meet client needs and overcome challenges is by approaching software development tasks creatively.

25. Attention to detail

Java developers are responsible for complex programming tasks that necessitate precise coding prompts. Almost every task a Java developer completes requires attention to detail.

30 other Java developer skills you must know 

When it comes to java developer skills, there are different types of skills that you must pay attention to. The Java developer skills include: basic Java developer skills, intermediate Java developer skills, and advanced java developer skills.

Here are few of the 30 other java developer skills which you must know:

  1. JDBC and SQL
  2. Use the latest Java version
  3. Core skills (Object-oriented programming, Data structures & Algorithms)
  4. Java frameworks and libraries
  5. JavaFX
  6. Agile methodologies
  7. Popular Java development tools
  8. Multithreading and concurrency
  9. Design patterns
  10. Advanced Java
  11. Apache tomcat and jetty web servers
  12. Big data concepts and technologies
  13. Unit testing
  14. Jakarta EE (formerly Java enterprise edition)
  15. Linux OS and windows server environments
  16. System design and architecture
  17. JVM internals
  18. Java build tools
  19. Web technologies
  20. Code version control
  21. Java testing tools
  22. Web frameworks
  23. Application containers
  24. Unit testing
  25. Java EE components
  26. DevOps tools
  27. Microservices
  28. Java SE
  29. Spring framework 6
  30. Spring boot 3

1. JDBC and SQL

You should strive to have a solid understanding of the Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API and Structured Query Language (SQL) as a Java developer. You’ll be able to use databases, run queries, and retrieve data for your applications with these skills.

Because they enable you to store, organize, and manipulate data in powerful ways through databases, skills in SQL and JDBC are among the most sought-after among Java developers.

Developing programs that give users access to database data or fixing problems with databases can also benefit from these skills. These skills can also be used to boost application performance and dependability.

2. Use the latest Java version

Java releases and versions change frequently, so Java developers must keep up with what’s new. Keeping up with the most recent Java versions demonstrates your dedication to your craft and pride in your work. Additionally, you can make use of the most recent enhancements and bug fixes.

However, it can be time-consuming and costly to update your development environment and building tools with each new release. Additionally, you might find that some dependencies aren’t compatible with the most recent version, which could cause problems.

We have found that keeping up with the most recent major Java releases (such as Java 8, 9, 10, etc.) is best. furthermore, update to the most recent minor delivery after each significant delivery cycle (e.g., 8u162). You won’t have to worry about compatibility issues if you use this to take advantage of new features and bug fixes. Naturally, this is only a general rule; Depending on your requirements, your mileage may vary.

3. Core skills (Object-oriented programming, Data structures & Algorithms)

Having a solid understanding of fundamental programming concepts like object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithms is essential for Java developers.

You will be able to write robust applications with advanced features, work effectively in agile teams, and stay current on the most recent development trends and best practices by mastering these concepts.

4. Java frameworks and libraries

Java developers need Java frameworks and libraries because they make it easier to build complex applications with a variety of features.

There is probably a library or framework that can make the development process easier and raise the quality of your code, regardless of whether you are working on desktop software, mobile applications, or web applications.

These normal structures can assist you with building vigorous applications all the more rapidly:

  • Spring
  • Hibernate
  • Spring boot
  • Struts


Fabricate web applications and administrations. includes MVC architecture and dependency injection as well as a number of powerful tools.


Manage data in relational databases. Hibernate is the king of Java frameworks, along with Spring. In fact, it is the most widely used Java persistence framework. Hibernate also becomes an essential framework for many Java applications as Data becomes an essential component of any Java application.

You can now concentrate on developing application logic with Objects rather than dealing with the hassle of JDBC when interacting with persistent technologies like Relational databases.

Spring boot:

Uses Spring to build micro services, RESTful APIs, and applications that are ready for production.


Simplifies the process of managing web content and developing web applications, user interfaces, and web services.

5. JavaFX

JavaFX is a well-liked platform for developing rich, interactive web applications that function flawlessly on a variety of platforms and devices. Knowing JavaFX is a Java skill that will ensure that your applications are engaging, intuitive, and user-friendly for desktop computers, mobile devices, and the web.

Although acquiring knowledge of the JavaFX platform will likely assist you in a number of Java development areas, its primary applications lie in software design and web development.

6. Agile methodologies

Working efficiently in an Agile workplace, whether through Scrum, Kanban, or another Agile method, is essential for Java developers. Because the specifics of these skills can vary depending on the Agile methodology that your company prefers, you will most likely acquire them while working as a developer.

However, in most cases, working on an Agile team necessitates being adept at gathering requirements, setting priorities, collaborating with others, efficiently writing clean code, thoroughly testing your code, and iterating with stakeholders to ensure that the final product meets their requirements.

7. Popular Java development tools

Being familiar with some of the most widely used Java development tools is essential:

  • Eclipse IDE: Write, debug, and test code
  • Maven: Manage dependencies with large projects
  • Git: Version control software to track your code changes
  • Jenkins: Continuous integration software that automates testing and deployment processes

8. Multithreading and concurrency

Multithreading includes executing various strings at the same time. The ability to run multiple processes simultaneously, sequentially, or in parallel with non-zero progress is known as concurrency.

Let’s say you want to learn the Java developer skills. If that’s the case, these are crucial because they make it possible to create applications that can handle a variety of tasks at once, which is crucial for handling a lot of data or processing a lot of work.

9. Design patterns

Reusable solutions to common software development issues are design patterns. As a Java developer, familiarity with these design patterns can assist you in determining the most appropriate solution and identifying issues. Singleton, Observer, and Factory are a few well-known design patterns.

10. Advanced Java

Concurrency, distributed computing, distributed computing, and other advanced Java concepts are necessary for creating highly scalable software that can satisfy the requirements of businesses and organizations.

As you develop a successful career as a Java developer, you will also be able to land the best jobs thanks to these in-demand Java skills.

11. Apache tomcat and jetty web servers

You will definitely be able to become a successful Java developer if you have experience with popular web servers like Apache Tomcat and Jetty.

Without the need for third-party software or services, you can deploy Java web applications quickly and easily with these tools. A management interface for your web application is also provided by them.

12. Big data concepts and technologies

Businesses are increasingly relying on Big Data technologies as the amount of data produced continues to increase at an exponential rate.

You will be able to work effectively with large amounts of data and use it to create innovative applications and products if you have a solid understanding of the concepts and popular technologies associated with Big Data.

  • Apache Hadoop: Framework available as open source for the distributed processing and storage of Big Data.
  • Apache Spark: Framework for quickly processing Big Data workloads that is open source.
  • Apache Kafka: Framework for real-time Big Data’s distributed event streaming that is open-source.

Apache Kafka is a distributed data streaming platform that can publish, subscribe to, store, and process streams of records in real time. If you haven’t heard of it yet, it’s a platform. LinkedIn developed it and donated it to the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in Scala and Java.

Its goal is to offer a single, low-latency, high-throughput platform for handling data feeds in real time, which is a requirement of many modern systems.

Having this technology on your resume can make you eligible for some of the most exciting Java career opportunities in the world. It is one of the leading technologies that is becoming increasingly popular in the Java world.

13. Unit testing

Test-Driven Development (TDD) is a well-liked approach to unit testing. Before writing any production code, you must first write automated tests, and then you will follow a Red/Green/Refactor cycle.

TDD expects engineers to begin with a faltering test and afterward barely enough code to make the test pass. After that, developers incrementally enhance, refactor, and add code, spotting test failures and edge cases along the way.

14. Jakarta EE (formerly Java enterprise edition)

Java-based Jakarta EE, formerly Java Enterprise Edition, is a framework for cloud-based microservices, containers, and orchestration that is ideal for creating APIs that allow applications to communicate with one another.

It is still possible for businesses that are deeply rooted in the Java EE framework to create scalable enterprise-scale web applications using Java EE in its previous form.

  • Jakarta Servlets: Server-side handling of HTTP requests and responses
  • Jakarta Faces: Reusable components to build web application user interfaces
  • Jakarta RESTful Web Services: API to create web services using REST architecture

REST API: Since very few web applications today do not use REST API or expose API, this is yet another useful skill for Java programmers. REST still reigns supreme in the Java world, despite the gradual rise of GraphQL.

Cloud Computing: The cloud is slowly taking over the technology industry as a whole. With the maturation of major cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure, the next generation of Java applications will be developed for clouds.

AWS: As the most widely used cloud platform today, Amazon Web Service has evolved into a skill. There is a huge interest for individuals who knows how to function with AWS instruments and conditions like EC2, S3, and Virtual Confidential Cloud.

15. Linux OS and windows server environments

Linux (Unix-based) working frameworks and Windows Server conditions are the essential stages on which numerous applications run. You will have an easier time managing your projects and ensuring that your code is compatible with various operating systems if you have a solid understanding of the various OS features.

  • File structures: knowledge of permissions management, networked file systems, data organization and storage, and file system configuration.
  • Networking: Using a variety of protocols, including SSH, SFTP, FTP, and TCP/IP, establishing firewalls, and encrypting sensitive data for network transfer, remote connection and machine
  • Command line and shell scripting: Perform system maintenance and troubleshoot issues by automating tasks.

16. System design and architecture

Software design and architecture are the most important steps in the software development process. Any product engineer, in addition to a Java designer, should have the option to grasp the expansive picture and thoroughly consider the current test, as well as pick the right engineering and innovation stack to make your program.

Your project will be maintainable and scalable if you are good at software design. The advantages that come with this:

  • The project stays modular thanks to a well-designed system. Additionally, it makes it simple to make adjustments in the future. You can restructure a module rather than the entire project at any time if your client’s requirements change. It permits you to distinguish botches in modules as opposed to the whole coordinated and complex code.
  • The project is easier to read if the system is designed well. The benefit of good software design is that if a software project is transferred from one developer to another, the new developer should be able to comprehend the software by simply reading the software design.

SOA: The SOA represents Administration Situated Engineering. Service-oriented architecture is a type of software design in which application components use a network-based communication protocol to provide services to other components.

Service-oriented architecture’s fundamental principles are unrelated to vendors, products, or technologies. It resembles a microservice, in which the application is broken up into multiple services as well; however, the primary distinction lies in its size; microservice, as its name implies, has a much smaller scope.

Real-world applications frequently adhere to SOA architecture because of their complexity. As a result, Java developers with SOA skills are in high demand.

17. JVM internals

Learning the internals of the JVM, such as what the various components are and how they work, JIT, JVM options, garbage collections and collectors, and so on, requires time.

You can make both strong and elite execution Java applications in the event that you realize JVM well. Additionally, you should learn how to profile your Java application and identify performance bottlenecks, such as which objects use the most CPU and memory.

18. Java build tools

Depending on the assigned tasks, developers need to use a separate tool for specific work. Because Java Build tools are programs that automate the generation of executable applications from source code, it is helpful for a Java Developer to understand the language of these tools. Expert and Gradle are two form instruments that everybody ought to be known about.

19. Web technologies

Dynamic web content can be created quickly and easily thanks to web technology. A deeper comprehension of Web technologies is required to comprehend the idea of using markup languages to establish communication between numerous computer systems.

Similar to how web pages function, it lets users exchange information with the host. HTML, JQuery, and CSS are in many cases utilized in projects.

20. Code version control

Version control, also known as source control, is a method for recording and monitoring software code changes. Software tools known as version control systems (VCSs) help software development teams keep track of changes to source code over time.

As development environments have grown, version control systems enable software teams to operate more efficiently and quickly. Version control platforms abound. BeanStalk, BitBucket, GitLab, and Github are a few examples. Version control systems should be well-understood by you.

21. Java testing tools

You can test your JSP pages and Web applications with Java Testing Tools through an interface that doesn’t require you to run your application in a web browser.

They help with planning, requirements, building a build, testing, defect tracking, and analysis, among other test activities. TestNG and Selenium are two tools for testing. Any of these tools must be well understood by you. When you’re testing your applications, they’re a huge help.

22. Web frameworks

Java web systems are the top tier answers for building a Versatile application with the best elements and minimal measure of code. Web APIs, web services, and web resources are just a few examples of the types of web applications that can be created and distributed uniformly across the Internet. Spring MVC and Play are two of the best structures.

Spring really tries to keep away from tight associations (where classes straightforwardly rely upon different classes and connection points in the structure) by depending on explanations.

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework, which divides the operations, business, and representation layers, is the foundation upon which Spring is currently constructed. Developers commend Spring for its excellent object injection capabilities, straightforward syntax, ease of use, and automated testing tools. Because a lot of mobile apps today are built on java web frameworks, you need to know a lot about these tools.

23. Application containers

An application program that runs a component—a software building unit—is known as a Java Application Container. Application containers are made to do a lot of different things, like connect to databases, log data, and authenticate users. JBoss and Wharf are two amazing Java Application Holders.

24. Unit testing

Maintaining and writing automated tests, such as unit and integration tests that require application startup, becomes more challenging as your application grows. In Java, application deployment and assembly take a long time. At this point, unit testing tools like JUnit and TestNg come into play. With their straightforward syntax and quick feedback on tests that pass, these frameworks help you write automated tests more quickly.

JUnit places an emphasis on the concept of “testing first.” This reduces the burden placed on the programmer and the amount of time spent troubleshooting by increasing the codebase’s stability and productivity. Any one of these tools requires in-depth knowledge on your part. The application is tested by almost every organization with the help of a testing tool.

25. Java EE components

Server-side applications can be developed by developers using Java EE Components. Overseeing demands from online clients is perhaps of the most pervasive trouble that corporate engineers experience.

The Servlet and JavaServer Pages APIs, which provide methods for logging actions using cookies on a user’s browser, are included in Java EE to address this issue. These APIs make things easier and provide the best solution to these kinds of issues. Some of the most crucial Java EE components are Servlets, Java Beans, and Java Server Pages.

26. DevOps tools

Having knowledge of DevOps is one of the most important Java skills. A skilled developer must comprehend the concepts of continuous integration (CI), continuous deployment (CD), and Jenkins’ involvement in both processes.

A strong comprehension of major DevOps instruments like Docker, Culinary expert, Kubernetes, Expert, and Jenkins is significantly more significant for senior-level engineers whose obligations commonly include applying coding best practices and composing guides and scripts.

27. Microservices

Over the past few years, you may have heard of this buzzword. Microservices got their notoriety when new companies like Uber and Netflix began utilizing them, however it offers substantially more. Simplicity is the central tenet of microservices. Because they divide an application into a set of smaller, compassable fragments, microservices are much easier to code, develop, and maintain than monolithic applications, which are difficult to build and maintain.

Because Spring Boot and Spring Cloud provide excellent support for building microservices in Java, there is an ever-increasing demand for Java developers who are familiar with and knowledgeable about microservices. I recommend taking the Udemy course Master Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud if you want to learn more about how to build microservices in Java using the Spring framework.

28. Java SE

Because it is one of the most essential skills for any Java developer, seeing the Java SE skill at number 16 on the list surprised me quite a bit. You can’t code in Java if you don’t know about Collections, Multithreading, Streams, and other important Java SE libraries.

A solid understanding of these fundamental classes is essential for any Java developer. Therefore, if you are brand-new to Java, please devote some time to learning and honing your fundamental Java skills.

29. Spring framework 6

Spring is without a doubt the king of the Java stack. A Java programmer must have this skill, not an option. Recently, Spring Boot has additionally joined the standard, yet at the absolute minimum, you want Spring.

Not only does it provide dependency injection, which makes it easier to write testable code, but it also improves day-to-day Java programming with numerous libraries and utility classes like JdbcTemplate.

30. Spring boot 3

One of the top five Java frameworks you should learn is Spring Boot, which has been on my list for some time. Similar to how the Spring framework alleviates the pain of developing Java applications by eliminating redundant code and making dependency injection testing simpler,

By automatically configuring most of the things you need to use the Spring framework, Spring Boot alleviates the pain of using it. This makes the Spring Framework easier to use and saves you time when bootstrapping your Java project.

Java developer skills list

Here are the top 15 java developer skills list you must pay attention:

Java developer skills



Store, organize, and manipulate data into databases that interact with applications

Object-oriented Programming (OOP)

Organize data into reusable classes which are blueprints for ‘objects’

Data Structures and Algorithms

Develop appropriate solutions for well-known coding problems and implement suitable data structures

Frameworks and Libraries

Speed up app development with pre-built code that’s optimized for a purpose


Develop rich web apps and desktop applications that can run on multiple platforms

Agile Methodologies

Gather requirements, prioritize tasks, and collaborate with others to write and test clean code

Development Tools

Eclipse IDE for coding, Git for version control, Maven for dependencies, Jenkins for CI

Multithreading & Concurrency

Create applications that perform multiple tasks at the same time

Design Patterns

Identify common coding problems and apply common patterns (Singleton, Observer, Factory)

Apache Tomcat & Jetty Web Servers

Quickly deploy web applications without relying on third-party services or software

Big Data Concepts & Technology

Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache Kafka for processing big data (distributed and real-time)

Unit Testing

Write automated tests (fail first) before any code. Apply Red/Green/Refactor cycle

Jakarta EE

Create APIs for cloud-based microservices & containers, or create web applications

Linux OS & Windows Server

Manage file systems, networking, and implement shell scripting

How to improve your Java developer skills?

Take into consideration the following suggestions to improve your Java development skills:

  1. Keep training
  2. Get certified

1. Keep training

It is essential to be aware of any significant revisions and modifications to programming standards because Java coding systems are updated approximately every six months. You can accomplish this by conducting your own research and study or by enrolling in online courses that provide Java developers with professional development. Keeping up with Java updates is made easier for developers by professional blogs and online courses.

2. Get certified

Improve your credibility with current and potential employers by earning certifications in Java systems and assistive technologies. Oracle administers Java certifications with multiple mastery levels. Certifications in programs that complement Java systems are also available. Some of the best Java certifications you can get are as follows:

  • Oracle Certified Associate Java Programmer
  • Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer
  • Oracle Certified Expert Web Component Developer
  • Oracle Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect
  • Java EE Master
  • Java EE Certified Expert
  • Java SE Associate
  • Java SE Professional
  • Java SE Master
  • Apache Spark Developer
  • Spring Professional
  • Professional Scrum Master

Which jobs you can apply with Java skills?

Here are few of the high-paying jobs which you can apply today:

  1. Java developer
  2. Software engineer
  3. DevOps engineer
  4. QA engineer
  5. Technical writer
  6. Software architect
  7. Full-stack developer

1. Java developer

What is the job of a Java developer? Basically, you’ll be in charge of writing and testing code that meets the project’s requirements. You might also have to work with people from other teams to make sure that the code works well with the rest of the system.

Average salary: $80,000 to $125,000

2. Software engineer

In that they are in charge of writing code and testing it, a software engineer is like a Java developer. Beyond coding, software engineers typically possess a more comprehensive set of skills. For instance, they might be involved in the software system’s design and architecture.

Average salary: $84,000 to $135,000

3. DevOps engineer

A position as a DevOps engineer might be a good fit for you if you want to move away from coding but still want to work with code. DevOps engineers are in charge of making sure that once code is deployed, it runs smoothly and effectively. This includes keeping an eye on how the code works and figuring out what might go wrong.

Average salary: $105,000 to $170,000

4. QA engineer

Before the code is deployed, QA engineers run tests and write test plans to make sure it meets all quality standards. To be successful, QA engineers need to be good at solving problems and paying close attention to the smallest of details.

Average salary: $66,000 to $103,000

5. Technical writer

Not everyone who can program in Java wants to code. You might want to consider becoming a technical writer if you work best with words. You will be responsible for writing documentation that explains how code works and how to use it correctly as a technical writer. A strong grasp of technical concepts and excellent communication skills are required for this position.

Average salary: $53,000 to $86,000

6. Software architect

What does a software architect do? Technical standards and high-level design decisions are made by software architects. This could incorporate instruments, programming coding guidelines, or stages to be utilized. A software architect needs to have a lot of technical knowledge to be good at what they do.

Average salary: $128,230 to $159,377

7. Full-stack developer

What does full-stack developer do? Someone who works on both the front end and back end of a web application is called a “full stack developer.” The website’s visual appearance and feel are the responsibility of the front end, while the back end is in charge of the site’s internal logic and infrastructure.

Average salary: $86,338 to $114,333

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Java developers in demand?

As new technologies emerge and businesses continue to rely on technology to expand their reach, the demand for Java developers continues to rise. This is ideal for Java developers with a wide range of skills, including object-oriented programming, database design, code optimization, and the capacity to work on their own or with others. If you want to work in Java development, now is a great time to learn the skills and methods you need.

What makes a great Java developer?

There is no right rendition of an incredible Java developer, as every individual brings their own remarkable assets and capacities. Nonetheless, a few fundamental characteristics to succeed serious areas of strength for incorporate abilities, great correspondence, cooperation, tender loving care, and an eagerness to adjust through consistent learning.

You can also improve your skills by working on personal projects outside of your job’s regular responsibilities, taking classes, attending workshops and conferences, and so on. The satisfaction of creating something useful and the financial rewards of being in high demand are just two of the many advantages of this career.

What should a junior Java developer know?

A junior Java developer should be well-versed in the fundamentals of programming, including more advanced ideas like classes and objects. Additionally, they should be able to prioritize tasks in order to meet deadlines and communicate clearly with other developers.

A junior Java developer ought to be conversant with the work-related programming languages. JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, as well as Java, are essential skills for junior Java developers. In addition, a solid comprehension of system design and architecture is required. Additionally, one should be alright with the different apparatuses utilized by one’s association to convey and test java applications.

Does Java have a future?

Yes! There is no question that Java has a brilliant future. With notoriety among engineers, a wide assortment of apparatuses and assets, and a vigorous biological system for programming improvement, it keeps on being one of the most popular programming dialects in 2023.

Who is a good Java developer?

There is no such thing as the “perfect” Java developer. A successful Java developer typically possesses strong technical skills, the capacity to collaborate effectively with others, excellent communication and collaboration abilities, and an aptitude for quickly grasping new ideas. Experience with additional programming languages can also be very helpful.

A decent Java engineer has serious areas of strength for an of innovation and is anxious to get a handle on new Java advances like Java 8, JDK 10, and JVM internals. For testing and deploying Java applications, one must know how to use the various tools.

Which certification is best for java developers?

The highest Java certification a developer can earn is the Oracle Certified Master Java Enterprise Architect. This confirmation checks that an expert has the fundamental Java abilities and capability to direct endeavor application improvement.

Is Java Developer a good career?

Java is out of control. From Android apps to web server tools to enterprise software, Java has been the backbone of the internet revolution. As a result, it is prudent and lucrative to pursue a career as a Java software developer. Due to its robust community, enterprise support, and growing popularity among programmers, Java is anticipated to remain the first choice for the majority of businesses. Java job opportunities won’t go away anytime soon as a result.

Does Java have a future?

Over the years, Java has become one of the most widely used programming languages for enterprise applications. Today, a lot of the software that helps people conduct business and complete real-world tasks is powered by Java. Java is headed for a bright future and will continue to do so.

Can I learn Java by myself?

Learning Java on your own is not difficult; There are numerous self-study and practice resources available. Regardless of your age or level of experience, there are numerous websites that will teach you how to program in Java and provide you with hands-on experience.

Is Java hard for beginners?

Java is neither basic nor troublesome. Java’s fundamentals were difficult for many novices, but once you start writing code and experimenting with its GUI capabilities, you’ll fall in love.

Should I learn Java or Python?

Python is a good choice due to its straightforward syntax if you’re just getting started with programming and want to get your feet wet before diving in headfirst. I recommend starting with Java if you want to study computer science or engineering because it will help you understand how programming works inside and out.

What are Java developer skills?

From a thorough understanding of the fundamentals to the most recent developments, Java developers need a wide range of skills. Specialists in Java are additionally expected to know how the advancement cycle functions and how to change between the conditions where the code runs.

A Java developer with a broad range of skills is proficient in both Java backend and full stack development.

The following are some essential skills for a Java developer:

  • Proficiency in Java, with a good understanding of its ecosystems
  • Sound knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Patterns and Concepts
  • Familiarity with different design and architectural patterns
  • Skill for writing reusable Java libraries
  • Knowhow of Java concurrency patterns
  • Basic Understanding of the concepts of MVC (Model-View-Controller) Pattern, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), and RESTful web services
  • Experience in working with popular web application frameworks like Play and Spark
  • Relevant Knowledge of Java GUI frameworks like Swing, SWT, AWT according to project requirements
  • Ability to write clean, readable Java code
  • Basic knowhow of class loading mechanism in Java
  • Experience in handling external and embedded databases
  • Understanding basic design principles behind a scalable application
  • Skilled at creating database schemas that characterize and support business processes
  • Basic knowledge of JVM (Java Virtual Machine), its drawbacks, weaknesses, and workarounds
  • Implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests
  • In-depth knowledge of code versioning tools, for instance, Git
  • Understanding of building tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle, etc.
  • Expertise in continuous integration

Other required skills of java developer include the basic knowledge of:

  • JavaServer pages (JSP) and servlets
  • Web frameworks like Struts and Spring
  • Service-oriented architecture
  • Web Technologies like HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery
  • Markup Languages such as XML, JSON
  • Abstract classes and interfaces
  • Constructors, lists, maps, sets
  • File IO and serialization
  • Exceptions
  • Generics
  • Java Keywords like static, volatile, synchronized, transient, etc.
  • Multithreading and Synchronization

What is Elastic Search in Java?

Another fantastic piece of Java software is ElasticSearch. You are able to reliably search, analyze, and visualize your data with this search engine, which is based on the Lucene library. The Elastic Stack, which includes Kibana, Beats, and Logstash, is frequently used with Elasticsearch.

Elastic search is gaining importance as more and more applications offer users the ability to analyze and visualize their data. As a result, Java developers with ElasticSearch expertise are in high demand. It has a lot of applications, like looking at log files and analyzing them, like Splunk does.

What is NoSQL in Java?

NoSQL offers a different method for storing data that scales better for many applications, especially those that load a lot of attributes at once. It differs from the conventional relational data storage model, which normalizes data to try to eliminate duplication or redundancy.

There are numerous well-known NoSQL databases on the market, including Cassandra and MongoDB. For faster retrieval and increased scalability, many modern applications are switching to NoSQL, which means that Java programmers with NoSQL expertise are in high demand.

What is MySQL in Java?

One of the accessible relational databases, MySQL is frequently utilized in the Java community. Since the data set is an essential piece of any Java application, a decent information on a social data set like MySQL goes far in finding a Java improvement line of work.

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